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Everything posted by Sherri

  1. As for recent break-ins, two vehicles had windows smashed in the main lot last Saturday and one had gear stolen from it. Parking at the Bush House or campground area seems to be the better bet. Regarding new routes, there is a new downloadable guidebook for Index on rakkup.com and info regarding current cleanings, etc, gets regularly posted on the Climb Index Facebook page here: Climb Index!
  2. Anyone work out at the Island Rock Gym who could use a training partner? I've never been much of a gym rat but am tempted to give it a shot this winter now that there's a facility on this side of the water again.
  3. Anyone interested in an afternoon session at Index this Sunday? The earliest I can get there is 11:45am but we could still wear ourselves out with plenty of laps by quittin' time. I have gear, rope, leading into the .10's. Thanks! Sherri
  4. I'm up for Index this Saturday. PM sent.
  5. Partner found.
  6. Thanks, Rad. Nothing comes easy out there but I can't think of a better place to work through the grades.
  7. Looking to take advantage of the dry day in the forecast this week and get in some laps while the getting is good. I have rack, rope and can lead into the .10's trad, a few .11's sport. Sherri
  8. If forecast doesn't deteriorate, I'd be up for cragging in Leavenworth on Sunday.
  9. Love it! Thanks for sharing this. Ok to post a linky on my FB page for it?
  10. I am looking for a cragging partner for Index on Monday and possibly Tuesday, if you are interested? (Could do one of the days in Leavenworth.) I lead into the .10's trad and a few easy .11's sport. Have rope, rack and ride. I am also available for cragging on that Friday and Saturday, 13th and 14th.
  11. I could be available on the 13th. What is your background? Objectives?
  12. Welcome back! If you decide to climb at Index on Monday, give me a shout if you need a partner. And bring my nut tool.
  13. Anyone up for some fun out there on Labor Day? Looking for a safe, easy going partner. I have gear/rope etc and can lead into the .10's trad, easy .11's sport. EDIT: partner found!
  14. Thanks, Curt, but nothing is showing up in my PM box? I've got a partner for Sunday now but would gladly stick around for Monday if weather holds, in case anyone is interested in that day?
  15. Looking for a safe, super fun partner for Index this Sunday. I have gear, rope etc. Can lead into the .10's. A few sport .11's. Thanks! Sherri
  16. Any chance it belongs to this person: Mountain Project: stolen gear in Seattle
  17. Sorry to hear this. That climb can be a battle, for sure. I hope he is recovering ok. I've always worried about decking before I get the #3 placed in the start of the handcrack. Was that the piece that popped?
  18. I took a few courses from Mountain Madness when I first got into climbing, about 8 years ago. They provided a sound foundation for my climbing skills and safety awareness that has served me well ever since. I was particularly grateful to learn the basics from pro's before venturing out to climb with folks I didn't know so that I understood the risks involved. You'll have your whole life to learn from experience or other partners, but if you have the time and resources to take a course to get you started on the right foot, I say go for it. Edit: Re the post below, I second Cale's endorsement of NW Mtn School. Awesome folks!
  19. Welcome back. Will be good to see you out there sometime.
  20. Jon, as you suspected, the car which was broken into was parked furthest from the road, right up against the trail leading into the wooded area. The window they broke was along that same side of the car. No other cars appeared to have been targeted. The parking lot was chock full the next day, Sunday, but it didn't appear that thieves returned for another round.
  21. Just a heads up that an Outback had its side window smashed sometime Saturday afternoon in the climber's parking lot. Not sure what was stolen but the car had out-of-state plates with camping gear, etc visible.
  22. I might be looking for partners for a Red Rocks outing Oct. 16-19 (still fine tuning the dates) so feel free to give me a shout if you plan to be in the neighborhood around then (I'm doing my own thing with travel and accommodation.) I'm pretty familiar with the place and hoping to hit some moderate multipitches (5.8 - .10b) with safe, positive, experienced partners who'd like to swing leads.
  23. If this webcam shot is any indication, you can barely see der rocks. Leavenworth.org webcam
  24. Anyone know how bad the air quality is in Leavenworth as a result of the smoke? From Index today, we noted a nasty haze hovering over the Pass.
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