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Everything posted by ericb

  1. Jamin's got first "hand" knowledge about the importance of sharp crampons.
  2. I saw reference to a #4 earlier....We were barely able to use our #3. Better to bring extras in the #1 - #2 range. A couple long slings are nice for the pitch before the 2 money headwall pitches as rope drag can be an issue. Also - I don't see it mentioned, and haven't personally experienced it, but I hear ticks are really bad up there this time of year.
  3. ericb


    If we really cared about our careers, we would be wasting time on this site - perhaps you should ask this question somewhere else?
  4. I thought bashing Archenemy was appropriate on any thread
  5. You sure it's Irvine AE? http://www.ucsc.edu/about/campus_mascot.asp
  6. A comment from an FBI investigator on mass shooters was interesting. He theorized that the reason these guys with no weapons training were able to proceed room-to-room so cooly shooting people was they had rehearsed it so many times on video games. Does this mean we should ban violent video games along with guns?
  7. I have them and really like them...super comfortable and adequately stiff. They are a good all around alpine boot - really good on steep snow, fourth and low fifth class rock. They are simlar to the La Sportiva Trangos but a little heavier, and a little stiffer as well. I took back the Trangos and got these and was much happier. The same ankle flex that makes the Trangos great for rock climing meant not enough ankle support for me....personal preference. Also, the towers have a thicker mid-sole which meant less punishment on the feet on long walks out. I also liked the fact that they had leather trim vs. the plastic on the Trangos....just a little more substantial all the way around.
  8. I watched the Press conference he's referring to, and couldn't agree more....it was pretty sad
  9. KB - this is an adult conversation...please choose another thread
  10. Yeah, whatever. Gotta love the "selective" outrage. We now live in a completely rude and uncivil society where anything and everything goes. This site is a reflection of that reality, in case you need an example. What Imus said is hardly different than what is said daily in public here and elsewhere - with targets ranging the spectrum of race, religion, and gender. The most sickening part of this display is becoming less related to the original comments and more to the politically correct thought-Gestapo beating their drums to burn the witch at the stake. Agree completely with KKS - and JosephH to address why the networks haven't cancelled the show.....because left-wing wack-job sensitivity-trained wing-nuts like yourself have whipped this into such a press frenzy, his ratings will sky-rocket when he gets off probation.
  11. I'd like to hold a press conference to express outrage at Howard Stern for all of the offensive insensitive things he's said about my people.
  12. So the poo in her parking space was some sort of sick turn-on?? - a hot carl gone awry perhaps??
  13. ericb


    Ha ha...Hee hee. Blowjobbuttholeboarder road the short bus. More homophone problems for Kevbone - why am I not surprised
  14. Agreed - you can find a lighter 15 degree bag, but I'd question whether you need a 15 degree bag for 3 season use....sounds a bit toasty. If this is for the cascades, I'd think 25 - 30 degrees is plenty warm as you can wear your clothes to bed. One feature of the Montbell line not addressed is the stretch....I've got a summer bag with the "hugger" feature and its really comfortable and less constrictive than other mummy bags. One other consideration - Montbell's stated rating is their comfort rating, they have a separate extreme rating, so their 15 degree rated bag may be warmer than other makes. To your question, yes, fill quality matters - the reason all these bags are on sale for ~ 30% is it looks like they are going to 800 fill this year, vs. 725 fill previously.
  15. Did he have a scar on his hand from an unexplained crampon incident?
  16. kweb Did you get short term relief when you had traction (assuming with a PT)?
  17. One nice thing about Dragontail Colchuck is it's a great early season outing...enchantment permits kick in mid-june making camping at the lake problematic at best. I've found it's great around memorial day weekend, and the weather is typically more dependable east of the crest this time of year.
  18. Shuksan via the sulfide is a great one, requiring basic glacier travel skills. I aslo really liked the basic non-technical routes on Colchuck, Dragontail, and Stuart. You can link Dragontail and Colchuck by going up Aasgard to Dragontail, down the backside to Colchuck Col, up Colchuck, and back down Colchuck "glacier" (outstanding early season glissade) to the lake. Third vote for Sahale....probably the best payoff to effort ratio in the cascades - if you are squeamish downclimbing exposed class 4, might want a 30M rope to rapell from the summit. The Brothers on the Olympic peninsula are great as well.
  19. things a little slow for you these days Dru?
  20. Jamin, a LOT of people do the south route (up AND down) with 20-30 lbs packs (why were ya haulin a "40" lb'er, xsept maybe for practice?) in less than 8 hours, coming from sea level, after work and a 200 mile drive, with no sleep what so ever. You'er not in good enough shape to move fast (ie "safe") enough for Lib Ridge yet man..JMO. ..Unless yo go solo.. You owe that much to any potential partner - BTW, who's own safety is dependent to some extent on your capabilities. And da family don't need no more accidents to get in da news an make more stupid regs as well. Just some thoughts. Many strong climbers do it in 8 hours, round-trip with no sleep. As far a Liberty Ridge, there have been a number of fatal accidents on LR involving very experienced climbers in the last few years. The late spring, early summer timing of this climb, dictated by snow conditions means weather is iffy. Not only do you need to be adept at snow/ice/mixed climbing, you need to be able to do it with a heavy pack at high (by cont. US standards) altitude, as well as be able to judge the weather and avy conditions. I believe the recent fatalities include falls, exposure, and avalanches. Gauthier could say for sure.
  21. I have the thermawrap UL (hoodless/synthetic), and love it!!! Plenty warm for the cascades summer, light, compressible. It goes on every trip with me. it's one of the best tech clothing purchases I've made.
  22. All I can say is boo-hoo new ACL a week from Friday, and new progeny in mid-June, so I'll be looking helplessly out the window for a long, long time.....
  23. I have the Figure 4, the hoodless verion of the ready mix (wish I had gotten the hooded version)....the welded seams are sweet - the quality of the constructon is excellent. I'm not sure about the others on this list, but the Ready Mix/Figure 4 are very thin/light (pure shell), so if you run hot, this is an important consideration....I'm not familiar with the others mentioned but I think they are a little thicker than the Patagonia offerings. You might need a slightly warmer base layer with these compared to some of the others, but I prefer this to overheating.
  24. ericb

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