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Everything posted by ericb

  1. Ahhh....sigh......the climbing gear I could have bought with that ring money......sigh
  2. It was at the point where kevbone disappeared. Our prayers were answered, so I knew at that moment there must be a God. Kevbone is conspicuously absent....must have had to deal with a really poopy diaper!
  3. If we can have it tonight, I can bring left-over taco bar and pizza for ~ 10-15!!!. Leftovers from a just achieved work deadline party!
  4. Interesting....So isn't a common argument against the existence of God that he does not interevene in Genocides, Natural Disasters and the like - Despite having the power (omnipotence) to do such? Perhaps even veiling his existence such that a person would need explore and question his existence - thereby stimulating inquisitiveness???? Sounds a lot like a good parent to me.
  5. Holy Shit, Seachicken- see most post above if you want my view on that subject. You're proving my point with this wild assumption- that expressing a non-belief in God or at least, God's that man have in my opinion, invented, causes a hysterical response by believers- in this case- "THAT ATHEIST OVER THERE WANTS TO TAKE AWAY YOUR RELIGION AND KILL YOU!". Before long, the battle cry becomes "KILL THAT GODLESS CRETIN BEFORE HE POISONS YOUR MIND AND KILLS YOU!" Give a knee jerk response, you can expect one back. Or put another more rational way, it would not be a totally crazy statement to say that perhaps the actions of the religious right could be viewed as defensive rather than offensive. Perhaps they are no less guilty of trying to shove their world view down others throats than the liberals. If you earnestly believe that Christians are trying to force their religion on you, it is understandible that you would fight vehemently to prevent this. In the same way, it certainly should give you a different lens through which to view some of the actions of the Right. I'm not saying I agree with everything that they are doing, or the methods that they employ, but I think to some degree, the liberals have created their own monster.
  6. Atheists are trying to create a society where my child will grow up being told that children are an unfortunate consequence of sex. I don't like you forcing your beliefs on me. what????? when has that become associated with athiests? that's ridiculous. i think my son is the best thing that ever happened. i don't think he's a gift from god but i do think he's the most amazing thing ever. the implication of that comment is that your children are more special(unique) in their creation (a gift from god) than a puppy. newsflash--it's all the same--sperm+egg=offspring. i don't think children should be deluded about their relationship to the rest of ecosystem. the biology is pretty similar regardless of species. except that komodo dragon... I disagree, and to the extent that you (or other liberals) are trying to influence legislation that teaches this in schools, and specifically bans the teaching (or even mention) of contradictory theories, you are pushing your beliefs (or non-beliefs) on me and/or my children. I know how you feel.
  7. Atheists are trying to create a society where my child will grow up being told that children are an unfortunate consequence of sex. I don't like you forcing your beliefs on me.
  8. OK, so not a techie, but would an avvy beacon qualify? I don't know exactly what the definition of "radio signal" is
  9. Jens - can you please provide some color as to how this core shot occurred?
  10. And I think it's a uniquely human trait to observe someone holding two seemingly conflicting ideals at once, and feel compelled to point out this irony. So is the abuse of young boys by Catholic Priests just another by-product of the "beauty of humanity"?
  11. AE - I'm sure you might get some more qualified opinions as far as what the problem is, but I've had really good luck using a foam roller on problem areas - glute, flexors, piriformis etc. I have no idea if this will help you, but they are ~ $20, and you can do it in front of the TV.
  12. And I think it's a uniquely human trait to observe someone holding two seemingly conflicting ideals at once, and feel compelled to point out this irony.
  13. At least Ted's gone on record opposing such measures. OK, Oregonians, make your voices heard, especially to the legislators not sponsoring this bill so they have some constituency feedback to back them up in opposing this. CBS, hypothetically, if this goes through, would you still be opposed to an initiative seeking to repeal it? Not that it would pass or anything. Are you talking to me? Did I come out in support of requiring signalling device? I don't think so. As far as what they are referring to, I would assume that either a cell phone, satellite phone or a locator unit would qualify, but an avalanche beacon would not. Is CBS really the online persona of Tim Eyman?
  14. On the bright side, at least they credited the rescue earlier in the week to the proximity of a doctor, and not his MLU.
  15. Interesting, isn't it Sounds perfectly human to me. Human as in faulty?
  16. Care to enlighten us with some examples, oh eloquent one?
  17. Yeah, that's really comparable. You can roll your eyes back from the back of your skull to view the real world again. Dude. You slice a friggin' piece of flesh completely OFF the male's dick, without anesthesia. They have less to say about it than the kids in your post. The kids in the post aren't permanently altered. ummm....not to bicker about minutia, but circumsion is a religious rite in Judaism and Islam, not Christianity. It's use in modern day America is more an issue of hygiene.
  18. I've got a fussy knee from a childhood injury as well, but it hasn't bothered me in several years. While it's hard to pinpoint what exactly has helped it, I have been taking Glucosamine regularly, kept the quads strong with machine extensions, and [wuss] started using trekking poles - esp. on the descent. I'm sure many will argue about the weight, but It does wonders for preserving your knees on steep descents with a pack. I also take pre-emptive anti inflammatories during stenuous climbs.
  19. ericb


    What's this pose called anyways???
  20. ericb


    Did the doctor offer to sew you up tighter than you were before in order to increase the pleasure of your partner? He forgot his Ben Franklins for a "tip"
  21. Skis or snowshoes, I think the ideal time to do this climb is once they get 20 open to Silver Star Creek, but before they get it open all the way over the pass. I Don't know if this is handled the same every year, but last year (by mid/late april), they opened the section between Early Winters and Silver Star Creek, before they opened it all the way to the pass. That way you don't have to hoof/ski an extra 8 miles to the start of the trail, and it isn't as crowded as when everyone is able to come over the north route. However, per earlier comments, this is more of an awesome ski tour with a bonus summit, so skis make it much more fun. I've heard the summer Burgundy Col approach is quite a schlep, and there will be crowds, so it still might be a more aesthetic climb in winter/spring than in the summer - just wait until they get Highway 20 open to SS Creek.
  22. We did it in April last year, but winter-like conditions (~ 10deg overnight). The road was open to Silver Star creek so no skinning on the approach, and we did the Glacier via SS Creek. Awesome approach....booted ~ 300 vf in the forest near the start, but skinned from there to camp, and ultimately to the Col before ditching the skis and booting to the summit (~ 300 vf). Had a 30M meter rando rope and light rack for class 4 summit scramble. Slung a block and used a BD#1 to get the last 20 VF to the true summit. Folks sans rope did not feel comfortable doing the last bit to the summit the day before. Views were amazing....highly recommended. Skied for the Col@ 8500' all the way to the car.
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