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Everything posted by ericb

  1. Is he on formula, or boob?
  2. The Democrats want us out of Iraq http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19742871/ Bush will veto The Democrats don't have enough votes to overturn a veto This "vote" is a waste of taxpayer money
  3. So how much 5.9 climbing is there on the NWC route? Just 15' of OW and a few moves above the big roof?
  4. Yet another one of your posts that I really wish I hadn't have read......
  5. 3.5 weeks....hence why I was posting at 4:29 AM today
  6. Along these lines....I'd love to hear what your favorite sinful restaurant meal is..... I'm a big fan of the chipotle chicken fried chicken at Cactus in Seattle/Kirkland
  7. What's your issue with BD? I'm actually looking for some as well upon my imminent return from ACL surgery. I'm looking at BD's carbon fiber - 17oz with a choke up foam grip. I've got their BC ski poles and have come to really like the flik-loc vs. the twist-loc on my old heavy Leki Makalus.
  8. Not to mention the hair transplant
  9. I've trad climbed with XXX. He's got solid climbing experience. Not sure about the moustache though....You still sporting that thing 3X?
  10. The Brothers is a fine scramble outing with great views. I've only done it when there was snow in the gulley. I'm told it's less savory once the snow melts and the gulley becomes a scree slog.
  11. Not quite a accurate summary of the admission, Porter, but a good troll nonetheless
  12. My parents just lost their coonhound (Bluetick/Walker mix)to a thyroid condition at 15 years old. The dog was awesome - tough, great personality...but a bit of a barker. Not sure how your high camp neighbors would appreciate the mid-night bellows at things that go bump in the night. Healers are pretty tough/cool dogs....not sure about shedding or aggressiveness though.
  13. ericb


    September is pretty damn nice around here. I'd suggest that you accept, contingent on them moving the trip to February.
  14. I think that given the media's frequent and blatant butchering of the facts when it comes to reporting on climbing accidents, speculating on what happened at this point is like pissin in the wind....of course, sure beats workin
  15. ericb

    The Bush Twins

    He may have been endangering other motorists, but how responsible of him to limit his production of greenhouse gases while doing so.
  16. ericb

    Eagle VS Deer

    dude...that's insane!...thanks for sharing. I wonder how it turned out?
  17. I've got USAA, and although I've never filed a homeowners claim, they've been amazing to deal with the 3 times my car stereo has been stolen.
  18. speaking of which....where is the Sharkfin Tower accident report?
  19. When you don’t take your wedding vows seriously, you hurt your spouse and maybe some other family. When you don’t take your presidential vows seriously thousands of people die……big difference. Clinton got impeached for something he could have taken care of in 30 seconds with his right hand and a little imagination....again...who's the dumbass
  20. When you don’t take your wedding vows seriously, you hurt your spouse and maybe some other family. When you don’t take your presidential vows seriously thousands of people die……big difference. If you don't give a F$#% about your spouse, why would you give a F>>@!& about your country....or anyone else's for that matter
  21. Matt - I believe that integrity is the single most important quality in a leader. It never ceases to amaze me how people gloss over a little marital infidelity. If he doesn't take his marriage vows seriously, why in the world would we believe he took his oath of office seriously. All of the lies Bush is accused of seem to focus around his protecting wealth and power (his and others), his foisting of his ideological agenda on the Arab World. You can argue whether this is right or wrong....but it's at least behavior befitting a power hungry politician. And Clinton's???....blowing his wad on a stupid chubby little intern's dress....who saved it??? Who's the dumbass?
  22. Matt - first, he commuted his sentence - or more specifically the jail portion....not a pardon - he's still guilty as far as the courts are concerned. Second, how does commuting his jail term protect "his man Cheney" If anything, he's more accessible for book deals now than he would have been in prison?
  23. Less bush = less suffering = goodness Is this a political statement?
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