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Everything posted by ericb

  1. Depending on whether you do it in one-day or overnight at LC, susceptibility to altitude sickness might play more into your success than hitting cardio really hard....although hard cardio will help this, it won't fully override your body's natural ability to acclimatize. I took my wife up to Muir the weekend before our Adams climb just to see how she handled altitude, and as a result of our learnings we brought some Pepto Tabs and made a point of snacking regularly on the climb. She made it in a one-day push with very little pre-conditioning - just stomach management.
  2. Is it similar to your other bags with different shell fabrics to choose from and different price for pertex - dryloft?
  3. just because this isn't spray, doesn't mean you can be oversensitive AE
  4. I have the Omega CD - bought in ~ 1998, and hasn't really been used since 1999. It might be light for it's strength, but I found it heavy enough to not want to haul it around. It's also quite bulky, so doesn't fit well into a smaller pack. The convertible option adds both weight and bulk, and it's a big 2 person....we squeezed 3 on Rainier, so pretty overkill for most stuff I do. The vestibule is also not particularly roomy (a common flaw of most SD tents). Bottom line....too big and heavy to be a great summer tent, and the vestibule is too small to be a great winter tent. I've always regretted trying to get gear to cover a wide spectrum of applications as it doesn't tend to do anything really well, and I end up getting the more specialized stuff later.
  5. ericb

    George W.

    FWIW, I personally find my everyday life much more impacted by what Gregoire hasn't done than what Bush has.
  6. They had alread towed his Explorer (in another news source) FWIW....this is great news....these trails are my home range, and a mysterious dissappearance would have cast a shadow on my future solo trail runs.
  7. Question - seems like an epidemic of no access and no funding for all these local/state/federal agencies. What's Gregoire doing to fix this? Isn't she supposed to be our advocate?
  8. In all seriousness....this is a little freaky....these trails are right behind my house, and I go running up there quite a bit, and have told my wife numerous times that they are safe...eek
  9. So you are sitting at your computer, drinking, and trading barbs in a 6 on 1 battle with some guy you've never met.....???
  10. Pussy, me? ...The North Face of Shuksan is a Day Trip, chubby. Before you go callin' folks pussies, pea brains, cockroaches, and rabid dogs, you should make sure you can look after yourself properly if you ever happen to "run into" one of them up there. And I can guarantee you that taking three days (!) to hump up NF Shuksan does not qualify you to be talking that degree of shit. Now run along you fat fuck.
  11. Fell in love with a Sunni....shame on her. And we think U.S. women's "reproductive rights" are threatened.
  12. Layton - Spineguy....want to run a theory by you. I've seen ~ 5 different chiros and 5 different PTs. The pet peeve I have with Chiros is that the ones that have spend a good amount of time with me, re-evaluating me on follow up visits - lets say 20 - 30 minutes per visit have been the noobs....just starting a practice, or an associate in an older doctor's practice. Lot's of energy and interest and a more open calendar, but limited experience. On the other end of the spectrum, the guys with lots of years under their belt run an assembly line operation where they pick up my chart so they know my name, spend ~ 5 minutes on adjustments and then move to the next exam room down the hall. It feels like they have to have a large volume of patients to really do well, due to the low per-modality reimbursement of the HMOs. I'm about to leave my current Chiro for this reason - he hasn't spent more than 8 minutes with me in any given visit in the last 12 months. My theory is that the assembly line shops serve to drive down the per-modality reimbursement industry wide, and even the good chiros can't afford to spend that much time with any 1 given patient. Thoughts?
  13. Hidden Lake Peak has a phenomenal view and a pretty cool lookout
  14. Well how about a waypoint at the saddle, which it sounds like the rangers provided to them via cell-phone?
  15. West of crest, Shuksan sulfide is one of my favorites - although the last bit to the summit can be a little spicey if the gully is partially melted out and moaty. It's better early when solid snow or late after it's all rock. The lower glacier has some nice undulations that allow for good high speed ice-axe training with mellow runouts and limited crevasses. East of crest second vote for either Daniel or Silver Star - the grind up to burgundy col would be a good conditioning hike!
  16. not familiar with the cold laser....any links that would discuss the application to post ACL surgery. I'm not sure how common the technology is in your average PT clinic. Who in Seattle area is using it?
  17. Good advice here....but a couple comments. Most surgeons will have strong opinions about PT, when to begin, and how fast to ramp up, and will write a prescription accordingly. I think most good PTs will temper the prescribed protocol some based on personal progress, but may not deviate dramatically for liability reasons. My surgeon is very conservative and had me starting PT at 3 weeks (on the late side) but said I could start on the bike after 6 days (early side). Again...ask questions about what their protocol is in the consultation. You will get a pretty good sense of where they fall on the aggressive -> conservative spectrum. Also - many good, right-on comments about getting surgery scheduled early....less time for quads/hams getting weak due to post injury limitations. That said, don't make a decision on surgeon based on how quickly they can get you in. Good surgeons are busy surgeons, so I'd be a bit alarmed if a surgeon had a lot of near term availability. +/- two weeks won't ultimately make as much difference in your recovery as finding a rockstar surgeon - especially given the LCL and meniscal tears.
  18. Just had ACL reconstruction with Richard Zorn 6 weeks ago....excellent surgeon and specializes on the knee...does like 150 ACL reconstructions a year. He's the Sonic's Ortho. He does hamstring graft typically.....Larry Holland in the same practice is the Mariners Ortho....he does Patella mostly. I have had an excellent recovery with Zorn. You pick a method usually when you pick a surgeon so do some research to figure out which graft is best for you. I've also talked with several people who had Larson at the UW, and raved about him. As far as cardio fitness...not sure if you mean pre or post surgery. Once things settle down and muscles stabilize the knee you might be able to do stationary bike and/or swim with a pull buoy pre surgery. Post surgery, I was on the excercise bike within a week and swimming within four weeks, but I had ACL only, no LCL or meniscus. I was told 9 months typically to return to all pre-injury activities - namely skiing and plant/pivot sports, but not sure how climbing would rank. Probably more risk on the approach than climbing itself. Feel free to PM me if you have more questions.
  19. This TR brings back bad memories....if it's the route I'm thinking of (starts ~1/2 way up Aasgard, obscure mention in Beckey with 1-2 pitches of 5.7 and "considerable loose rock late season"), I almost took what would have been a sure-fatal fall on this route Memorial Day weekend ~ 6 years ago. Later in the season, a section of the upper couloir, surely snow covered when you did it was a dripping wet open book with breakaway flakes for holds. We soloed up the snow and continue up the book, hoping to get to a reasonable belay anchor - never happened. There was no pro, and we hit an impasse - nothing solid to hold onto, no pro, and nothing level in site. My boots slipped down slab, and fortunately my partner was directly behind me and jammed the heels of his hands under the heels of my boots to arrest my slide. Had he not the both of us might not be here today. We gingerly downclimbed the shitty rock and then the steep snow - not fun. That was the last time I embarked on a Beckey route without a secondary source of information. FWIW/FYI - Memorial Day Weekend is apparently "late season" for this route.
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