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Everything posted by ericb

  1. At the risk of kicking off some yuppie bashing.... I'm a member there and while their climbing wall is not the greatest, it's never crowded, free for members, and close to home. Hoping to find a couple folks that might want to trade belays on the occasional weeknight. I'm trying to get my strength back after an knee injury induced long climbing hiatus.
  2. The title of the thread is an oxymoron if I've ever heard one....
  3. Graham....what changes are you making to the 2008 60L models relative to the 2007 stock you are clearing out?
  4. LB - articulate as always - humor me and answer one of my questions, or I'll just assume that you don't have a good answer....hence the name calling. Climbing almost always alters your precious "natural state" - take note of the impact of the climbers trail going up to the spires. These are OK but one invisible bolt is not? If you have a point buried in all your babble, it's something around the difficulty grade of the climb not justifying the introduction of a foreign substance to the rock there...so just what difficulty grade would justify it??? At least Trogdor introduces the concept of a retro-bolt put long after the first-ascent and sans any notable accidents....you on the other hand.....
  5. Like I said, justification based on speculation. Nothing to do with reality or statistics or fact. Just opinions. "Let's put a bolt here! What if...!" Entirely based on fantasy. I'll chime in here to agree with EricB that you are a bona fide tool, lizard_brain. You have no ability to view situations from the perspective of others. You only think of yourself. So... Espousing the philosophy of minimal impact and not altering the natural state of the outdoors qualifies as 'only thinking of myself'? Who is the tool here? You morons - I'm ONLY thinking of others. Christ - add a gondola in the name of improving the route for others, and pat yourself on the back for it. Who is thinking only of themself? You're just feeding your own egos. You're the tools. It's practically a scramble route. Can't you just belay someone across that? Get over yourselves. It's all about your egos - pure and simple. What is the YDS grade of a scramble route, in your opinion?
  6. TTK...in the time it takes you to get to MattP's house, you could probably buy an SD card reader.
  7. The USB end can be tricky....if you encounter significant resistance, rotate the USB plug 180 degrees and retry
  8. "I crap bigger than you" "I crap smarter than you"
  9. LB/Trogdor....to Scott's earlier line of reasoning...bolted 5.11 climbs.... In your opinion, at what YDS difficulty level would it be acceptable to place a bolt (or bolts) to protect a move (or moves) that are otherwise unprotectible and that would have serious consequences should a fall occur?
  10. Always glad to give a little tech advice to you older guys
  11. TTK...you can get a SD - USB adapter for like $8 at office depot/target/et al that will allow you to move files onto a computer. It would be pretty handy to have around anyways as you can move files to any computer without needing to load the camera software.
  12. I swapped out Garmont Towers for the Trangos after a couple trips in the Trangos...a little more rand for stiffnes and shock absorbsion, a little more ankle support, fit my beet better (wider), and a little warmer, and of course a little heavier. I think the trangos are great boots, but they killed my toes...very narrow in the toe box. Bottom line is they can be the best boots in the world, but if they don't fit your feet, It won't matter.
  13. Nice report....and congratulations you your engagement!!!....I'd think that would be worth mentioning in the CC.com executive summary
  14. Thanks Scott very well said. I think the fact that this is a commonly guided climb, coupled with the scenario you describe gives great perspective. LB....you sir are a tool
  15. ericb


    Is your company looking for a finance guy?
  16. ericb


    Looks like you aren't the only one at your company with productivity issues.....
  17. What's your definition of dirtbag?
  18. http://www.parks.wa.gov/parkpage.asp?selectedpark=Beacon+Rock You mean the Beacon rock that's on the north side of the Columbia?
  19. I've had a pretty decent success rate...one of the things I do is always have an east-of-crest option or two in case the weather is iffy.
  20. It's not like he was skipping rocks across the pond...this was a 20 lb rock. Regardless, a manslaughter charge and associated punishment would be quite small relative to his financial liability should the family decide to sue. He might as well become a vagabond climber with no assets to seize or income to garner.
  21. Jeff - my wife's from the Bay Area, and I make a lot of trips down there. How long a drive would it be from the East Bay to the Temple Crag trailhead +/-???
  22. I heard the website was overwhelmed by a Patriot Act enabled web crawler looking for terrorist leaning comments.....aka "it's Bush's fault"
  23. Based on my personal experience, I didn't find the Trangos particularly warm. I think you might get cold feet on Rainier, but everybody's thermostat is different. They're made to be light weight and nimble on rock. Also, they have a fair bit of ankle flex to make them good for rock climbing. I found this killed my feet/ankles when traversing/front-pointing hard snow for an extended period of time.
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