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Everything posted by ericb

  1. We could spice it up by the consumption of 1 oz of XXX milkshake per 10 lbs body weight immediately before the start.
  2. Should we rename for the sake of the t-shirts? I doubt my wife would let me wear it as is.
  3. What about other handcaps? adjustments for # of children for instance?
  4. Got plans for the second half of the weekend, but free tomorrow and would like do some rock (pref trad). Would love to crag in Leavenworth and willing to drive, but not sure how much of a zoo it will be. I'm coming back from ACL reconstruction 5 months ago, so not feeling too ambitious - would love to do some (and can probably lead)~ 5.7/5.8 and TR or follow 5.9
  5. Pre-race Cheeseburger at Triple-X for added difficulty Cheeseburger....let's up the ante and go for the El Camino [Tray of philly fat goodness]
  6. A CC annual tradition is born. Granite mountain trail sucks for running...too rocky. MB is mostly turf with good traction on which to kick EricB's sorry, weezing, dragging ass. Before you get too cocky....I am only marginally overweight according to the BMI tables - and some weeks I might actually squeak under depending on whether I weigh myself before or after ~ 9AM. It doesn't matter whether you weigh in at 900 lbs or 90. All that matters is how fast you can drag your carcass up Mailbox Peak, car to summit. Let's hear your best time. Since you're posting pics of fat fucks, you might also want to let us know what your record is for total elevation gain/miles in 24 hours, your time for RAMROD, your best marathon time, your best finishing place for the Eco Challenge and Primal Quest adventure races, and other stats that might support your implied assertion that certain fat fucks can't absolutely kick your ass in any endurance sport. Tag, you're it. Where in the world did you get the idea that I was an endurance athlete? You committed the cardinal sin of providing me with an identifiable TR pic.....surely you wouldn't expect any less from me?
  7. A CC annual tradition is born. Granite mountain trail sucks for running...too rocky. MB is mostly turf with good traction on which to kick EricB's sorry, weezing, dragging ass. Before you get too cocky....I am only marginally overweight according to the BMI tables - and some weeks I might actually squeak under depending on whether I weigh myself before or after ~ 9AM.
  8. According to BMI tables, I'm overweight.....does that count?
  9. I have traveled a bit...on my most recent trip, the bartender was living without an ACL because the government health plan didn't consider it necessary unless he was a profession athlete.
  10. I think PP's data shows that including deductions for children results in much lower taxes in the US. Also, if we assume the average wage in the UK is around $40K USD, even 167% of the AW would put them just at the $70K USD threshold where the income tax in the UK jumps from ~20% to ~40%....at that point, it sure would suck to be a yuppie.
  11. ericb

    Tag, you're it

    Just hope you don't have to haul them out of a crevasse though!
  12. I don't see anywhere where the "average wage" is given, but income tax is comparable for "average wage earners". If you look at the tax brackets and rates in the upper brackets, you can see that the high wage earners are paying much more relative to the average wage earners compared to the US.
  13. ericb

    Favorite Beer

    Love Mac & Jacks as well....just wish they would bottle it
  14. Did you ask them about what they were paying in taxes...you might have been equally as shocked if you had. How do you think they pay for there health care system? Income tax - 40% on earnings over ~ $70K USD (20% below) National insurance tax - 11% Value Added Tax (on goods and services) 17.5%
  15. ericb

    Favorite Beer

    two votes for BB
  16. bachelor party Sun/Mon on some island in the sound. Might go climbing Saturday if I can find partner
  17. Well, KK, here I am still unemployed. My six months of health coverage that was covered by my employer has expired. I will now write a check for COBRA coverage for $1500 each month. Option A: Sit around complaining and bitching about what the government is not doing for you - vote democrat in hopes that you won't have to..... Option B: Get a job
  18. I just threw up a little bit in the back of my mouth
  19. ericb

    Bible History

    FWIW...it's quite reasonable to view the OT as descriptive, and not necessarily prescriptive....
  20. We are talking about Bush here, aren't we?
  21. I believe you have to try……if you do nothing (which is happening right now)……what does that teach our children about high crime? That with enough money…..you can get away with torture. I don’t care if it works or not……the dems need to buck up and try to impeach that “C” grade student that was appointed president. Last time…..our president lied about getting a blow job and there was over 100 subpoenas issued (all by republicans)…..our current president has gotten away with allowing hundreds of thousands innocent people to die….all in the name of his and his friends pocket books. WTF is he still in office? I just don’t get it! If the Dems thought they had a case, they probably would try to impeach him....I take the current silence to mean that they don't have real proof of the imaginary crimes the liberal media has accused him of.
  22. And you are doing a fine job of demonstrating that our colleges are turning out student athletes that can't spell
  23. No…..but they can start by impeaching the current administration. If they do not….it sets a precedent to our children that its ok to lie, cheat, steal and be corrupt. The example being guilty until proven innocent?
  24. To me, the spiritual value of climbing lies not only in where it is (God's Creation) but where it isn't. While few can justify the monastic life, I think solitude is an important spiritual discipline, and one which Jesus practiced regularly. I think it's easier to listen for direction absent all the background noise of our everyday life, but I also think that the American lifestyle is extremely toxic. There is rampant busy-ness and materialism, greed, envy, etc., and if we are immersed in it regularly, I think it slowly poisons us without us even realizing it. I was recently reading a book on spiritual disciplines - specifically a chapter on the practice of solitude, and the author uses the analogy of a frog in a pot of water. If you throw it into a pot of hot water, it will jump out, but if you put it in while the water is cold, and slowly heat it up, it will boil to death.
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