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Everything posted by ericb

  1. ericb

    what a dolt!

    I don't think Bush's intelligence is the subject of the recent thread drift here....but thanks for another non-answer
  2. ericb

    what a dolt!

    Yes, that was the question - a rhetorical dodge to avoid responding to the very here and now reality that, in the name of fighting terror, the Bush administration HAS chipped away at the Constitution and eroded our image as a beacon for liberty - with the backing of Congress. Why can't we wait in front of the airport terminal to pick somebody up? It is not about security, it is about making us fearful on the one hand and grateful for our government on the other. If the bad guy has a trunk full of explosives they will either (A) blow themself up to get to heaven, or (B) jump out of the car and run away, with a timer set to go off before the airport security has a chance to call a towtruck. There is no rational basis for the anti-terror restriction. Even though our daily lifestyle has not changed much, we've been told to trust the government and do what they say. And we're going to pay for it for decades, at least. So what you are saying is that after ~ 6 years of rule by the republican trifecta, the alleged "puppet" of the religious right, the "radical" religious right that is equally as dangerous as radical Islam, the only time you notice your life is different is when you are picking someone up from the airport??? So much for the world according to Rosie O'Donnell
  3. Wonder what Blake's next attempted FA is???
  4. ericb

    what a dolt!

    TTK...I believe the question was what freedoms have YOU lost
  5. ericb

    what a dolt!

    Yes. You do need to know before you refer to your country is such a manner as you did. If you can't articulate your perceived loss of freedom or give specifics thereto, then your premise becomes defined as nothing more than paranoia. The case you cite is being perused by New York State government. Not Bush Admin. How does this differ from drug seizure laws enacted long before Bush? I don't agree with either, but DA's will always try to stretch statutes for effect. This has nothing to do with Bush. But again, I'll ask, what freedoms has Bush taken from you? looks like paranoia it is
  6. ericb

    trundler exonerated

    "Newell's decision not to prosecute followed a visit with Absolon's widow, Molly. "Molly has suffered the devastating loss of a loving husband and father to her only child. Her primary concern now is healing for herself and her daughter, Avery," Newell said in a press release. "She may pursue a civil case to recover damages that would assist in Avery's support and education. This paragraph in the article seems to indicate the factors involved. Quite honestly, he should be on the hook financially for his actions, and it will be easier for him to make reparations if he's employed [i.e. not in jail, and no criminal record]
  7. ericb

    trundler exonerated

    Who??? Climbing Panther, Me, or Rodolph?
  8. ericb

    trundler exonerated

    You must know him well???
  9. I don't have any pics but I seem to remember the crapper at the high camp for standard route on Glacier Peak being rather scenic.
  10. Pure speculation, but since there were two brothers I read that as one wore jeans and the other shorts. Did you have a humourectomy? given that they were "locals" cut-offs wouldn't be out of the question...i.e. "jean-shorts"
  11. ericb

    trundler exonerated

    So for surviving Iraq, he's a hero...if he would have died, his life would be considered wasted in your opinion?
  12. So what you're saying is you are a "boob man", so to speak?
  13. LOL. At 5.10 and 165, he could afford a maple bar or two. I have the Subkilo 0 degree bag and I think it's comfy enough. It is a well designed bag and not too heavy. I'm 5.8 and 160 and while I prefer more wiggle room, it works...unlike those super-thin (at least mine is anyway) Sierra Design bags. If you can afford it though, the Montbell stretch bags are really comfy, light and compact. You can bend one leg without having to bend both. No need to sleep with an "emergency escape knife." second the Montbell stretch vote.....I have a summer synthetic and the stretch makes a huge difference in comfort.
  14. Carl - can you please provide some sort of example for what you are talking about - i.e. the Bush reference...having a really hard time following your logic here.
  15. You don't think this little recall has cost Mattel a few bucks??? It's unlikely that any contract provisions will make Mattel whole for the millions of bucks they are losing both directly from the recalls, and indirectly from the damage to their brand.
  16. Better yet....there is no food, and Tvash is unconscious, smeared with peanut butter, hanging on a 7.7mm rope, 90 feet down in a crevasse with no prussiks. You have to set up a 9:1 z-pulley, haul him to the surface and......
  17. What would our definition of Hell be?
  18. LOL Hook , line and sinker. Adam 13...please note Seahawks' clever use of neat little thing called a comma. Clearly, a veteran move
  19. Here's what I get a kick out of....he proposes funding public health care by slashing tax cuts on those making over $200K a year. That's a noble suggestion for a guy that just left his multi-million dollar a year law career for politics.
  20. A week ago, you didn't know the difference between sport and trad and now you're using phrases like....."I guess WE could be considered a family"...jumping on the Seahawks bashing bandwagon, etc..... Why don't you shut the pie-hole until you know what the hell you are talking about little feller.
  21. Speaking of small percentages...can you provide examples of Christians who are stoning disobedient children and quoting the verse you mention as justification?
  22. damn bill...that's some serious hate goin' on... eek....my Junior High and Highschool experience was certainly forgettable, but I blame my genes....puberty eluded me for quite some time
  23. I recall a TR weeks ago saying there wasn't even a climable line up the Adams glacier, so I'm guess skiing would be out. Check the TRs.
  24. Obviously it's early, but it would be interesting to know how much crap/fixed ropes they left on the route this time relative to the siege of Jannu. IMO the first alpine style ascent will be undiminished by this effort.
  25. This ain't the IRS. You can carry your children up if you wish, however. If you carry a child, you can count the weight as body fat on the BMI scale. Think long and hard about using this tactic, because if you lose, the child is first on the barbie. My daughter has offered to draw a picture of a butt for the winner. With the loser being the model?
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