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Everything posted by ericb

  1. ericb


    Who said anything about leaving? Just pointing out the hypocrisy of white Americans that want to keep others out of 'our' land. What's your point then other than making a blindingly brilliant statement of the obvious? If the illegal aliens take over the country and take my home, will I at least get to run a casino and sell firecrackers? Dude - get with the program.....concert venues are where it's at these days. You could build an outdoor amphitheater without any concern for noise, without providing infrastructure upgrades to handle stormwater run-off and increased traffic....it's a veritable goldmine and a social homerun. Why hang out with Eddie Money when you could get Sting?
  2. be sure you tap the lid several times with your fingernail before opening however
  3. ericb

    Is this fair?

    Ordained by the Universal Life Church (of the Internet) Solid example Thanks for playing
  4. ericb

    getting fatter

    Go easy on yourself. You just had a baby! AE - you are the last person in the world I expected to credit the father with "having" the baby. I did get a little meconium on my favorite t-shirt though. That was traumatic.
  5. ericb

    getting fatter

    Feel you're pain....I just found out I was overweight as well.
  6. My response to this situation would be less motivated by legal concerns and more driven by my footwear. If I'm in my flip-flops, the guys screwed....Chacas - lookin better...mountaineering boots - watch out
  7. Not to mention, I like his odds in a masters program with ~ 90% + women.
  8. Just a heads up....went through this with my Honda....be careful when comparing prices for 30/60/90K services. In my experience the recommended service typically includes both mandatory things (oil, filters, plugs), and if needed fluid et al replacements. Some shops quote you based on the assumption that they will only be doing the mandatory things, and then will charge extra if the "as needed" things need to be done. Others will quote you based on the assumption that all things will be done - mandatory and "as needed", and may or may not deduct for the "as needed" items that weren't needed, and others will quote based on, and replace all automatically. Just make sure you get an apples to apples quote as there can actually be a fair bit of variance in "standard" services.
  9. Yes...I just entertained myself for a few minutes reading the reviews. If I wasn't married, I'd pick one up for myself. Put this in the "and you thought CC.com had some politically incorrect sprayers on it" category
  10. ericb

    Soloing Rainier

    Adams, south side is a relatively safe solo outing.
  11. Paris is just a boob job away from parity
  12. ericb

    Harry Potter

    Anonymously? I would say my log in name is about as anonymous as your's.....Eric Kevin Not to be superior, but I also include my last initial Ah....shit.....you got me! How is the kid doing? Teased us with a 5 hour stetch Friday night, and then brought the hurt last night from 1:00 AM on....too tired to get anything done at work, so might as well spray
  13. ericb

    Harry Potter

    Anonymously? I would say my log in name is about as anonymous as your's.....Eric Kevin Not to be superior, but I also include my last initial
  14. ericb

    Harry Potter

    Perhaps, but I find it ironic that one of our own would criticize someone for immersing themselves, for a period, in a fantasy world....
  15. Thanks both....I might just take you up on this. Jared - I work downtown so we can probably figure something out. E
  16. ericb

    Harry Potter

    This coming from a guy that spends all day(s) posting anonymously to CC.com?
  17. I'm sure Eyman is working it up as we speak
  18. ericb


    Crown Royal....Yum
  19. Anybody in Seattle have a CG 40L in a med/lg I can check out. I'm sick and tired of my little Gregory and in the market.
  20. ericb


    Sounds like you are the poster child of capitalism, doesn't it
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