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Everything posted by ZimZam

  1. ZimZam

    NW Noob

    Hey sweetie, 8 posts in an that's all you got. ass munch Enjoy it cova. It's an awesome place, like no where else on the planet.
  2. Joe's TR in the SW. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=793792
  3. Flicking the cherry at the tailgating po-po. Fuckin' classic.
  4. ZimZam

    live music

  5. Smoke em if ya got em.
  6. ZimZam

    Halliday's 14 K's

    Bring on the G-men.
  7. The Nodder
  8. Beautiful tribute. RIP David.
  9. Sweet pics Bill. Way to get on it.
  10. Made it! Man those frost heaves are a MF. Tons of caribou on the Cassiar. Denali
  11. ZimZam


    Japanese Pat Robertson http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/15/tokyo-governor-apologizes-for-calling-quake-divine-retribution/?hpt=C2
  12. ZimZam


    The top selling item on Amazon: potassium iodide
  13. I long for a 1968 redux. That always got their attention.
  14. ZimZam

    This just in....

    They've been emasculated, and will eventually succumb to the Siren's call of mo' money.
  15. ZimZam

    This just in....

    It's all cyclical. Hope you don't think they're going away. As an aside. The WI Senate majority leader is Fitzgerald, his brother is the Assembly leader. Guess whose Daddy was delivered the public safety director position? Conservative or Liberal. Politicians all look the same, stink the same, and steal the same.
  16. and Medicade will pay for that
  17. and a couple of them haulin' ass to Malta.
  18. Rob, j_b is correct. Zionism was a movement that originated after the pogroms. Also the British didn't wash their hands of Palestine until after they got their asses handed to them by the "Israeli guerrillas".
  19. 47=13.5-14 http://www.zappos.com/c/shoe-size-conversion?gclid=COiSqr74macCFVln5QodrlcXcw i've been watching for some 46's, or I'd be all over these.
  20. Mas.
  21. speaking of dudes who really know how to run a shop (and how best to feed the pigs when the customers get too mouthy) That was one of the best shows on TV. Those cocksuckers lol.
  22. nice work guys. pretty spectacular pics too.
  23. ZimZam


    Don't eat game...
  24. In Wisconsin, the new Republican governor, Scott Walker, wants to strip state employees of their collective-bargaining rights because: “We’re broke. We’ve been broke in this state for years.” Wisconsin’s Democratic state senators went into hiding to deprive the Republican majority of the quorum they need to pass Walker’s agenda. The Senate majority leader, Scott Fitzgerald — who happens to be the brother of the Assembly speaker, Jeff Fitzgerald — believes the governor is absolutely right about the need for draconian measures to cut spending in this crisis. So he’s been sending state troopers out to look for the missing Democrats. The troopers are under the direction of the new chief of the state patrol, Stephen Fitzgerald. He is the 68-year-old father of Jeff and Scott and was appointed to the $105,678 post this month by Governor Walker.
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