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Everything posted by ZimZam

  1. I'd be happy if he would just shut the fuck up and go away.
  2. Good job EW. Great pics & vids. Thanks for sharing.
  3. ZimZam

    Union Thugery

    Don't mourn. Organize.
  4. ZimZam


    New NASA pics of the ringed planet. Check it out in high res. Saturn
  5. ZimZam

    Union Thugery

    His spirit lives on.
  6. Had me going too. His confirmation would probably be held up in committee, cause as you can deduce he's a SOCIALIST.
  7. Get some!
  8. Nice TR Rob. Cycling adds more flavor to the trip.
  9. bump
  10. I always preferred Rick Wakeman's version of Journey to the Center... the most.
  11. ZimZam

    She's So...

    Looks like shit. Smells like shit. Feels like shit...Sure glad I didn't step in it.
  12. ZimZam

    She's So...

    clueless. http://news.yahoo.com/bachmann-wishes-elvis-happy-birthday-death-date-184534908.html
  13. ...in the Winter.
  14. PM sent.
  15. ZimZam


    Idiots Out Wandering About If that's their lineup, even Obama can win.
  16. ZimZam

    Double Dip

    The audacity.
  17. Have those La Sportiva's got wings? Blazin'.
  18. and there goes any chance of him running, except maybe for a happy meal. and this little piggy went wheez wheez wheez all the way home.
  19. Sounds like quite the adventure Elliot! Can't wait to read the TR. Best of luck, man. And kudos to Mark for the excellent beta.
  20. Ah. Mrs Alden-san.
  21. ZimZam

    It's funny

    Sumo Marmots [video:youtube]
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