He is an idiot. What he (they) don't understand is these folks aren't going away. It is going to escalate. Yea Winter's coming and things will slow down, but come Spring it will be an entirely new ball game, especially if things haven't improved for the 99%. Hunger, frustration, hopelessness are catalysts for rioting. It happened in the 60's all over the country, LA in 92, and North Africa and Britian in the 21st century. All it is gonna take is one overzealous frustrated cop with a baton, mace, or Tazer.
What I find hilarious is that Democrats are voicing their support for the protests. They're just as oblivious as the counterparts. Feinstein/Pelosi are just as fucked up as Boner/Cunter. Cities aflame. You read it here first. burn baby burn. disco inferno