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Everything posted by ZimZam

  1. Way to stay on this issue Billy.
  2. ZimZam


    Blame it on misery. CHICAGO (Reuters) - An unofficial gauge of human misery in the United States rose last month to a 28-year high as Americans struggled with rising inflation and high unemployment. The misery index -- which is simply the sum of the country's inflation and unemployment rates -- rose to 13.0, pushed up by higher price data the government reported on Wednesday. The data underscores the extent that Americans continue to suffer even two years after a deep recession ended, with a weak economic recovery imperiling President Barack Obama's hopes of winning reelection next year. Inez Stallworth, an underwriting assistant for a financial services company, recently gave up her car, in part because of rising costs for gasoline and groceries. "I can't fit it in," said the 27-year-old Chicago resident, who said most of her extended family was getting by "paycheck-to-paycheck." Consumer prices rose 3.9 percent in the 12 months through September, the fastest pace in three years. With gasoline prices high, consumers have less to spend on other things. Moreover, a rise in overall prices saps economic growth, which is typically measured in inflation-adjusted terms. The last time the misery index was at current levels was in 1983. But in 1984 an improving economy probably helped President Ronald Reagan win reelection. This year, the index has risen more than 2 points. INFLATION RESPITE While the misery index rose in September, many economists expect some respite in coming months, driven by softer inflation. Wednesday's price data showed inflation outside food and energy rose at the slowest pace in six months in September. Weakness in the jobs markets also accounts for some factors that could push inflation lower in coming months, economists say. "With households facing weak wage growth and tight budgets, it is difficult to see a sustained, broad-based increase in prices," said Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Neil Dutta. He said Wednesday's data showed that businesses' ability to raise prices on clothing, movies and toys was "hitting a wall." Weak incomes also will make it harder for building owners to raise rents, further dampening inflation, Dutta said. Indeed, inflation could slow to below 2 percent by mid-2012, said Capital Economics economist Paul Ashworth. But a decline in the misery index declines due to softer inflation might not help Obama's reelection chances much. "Any lowering of inflation isn't going to have much effect. People are just focused like a laser on unemployment," said independent political analyst Stuart Rothenberg. Analysts polled by Reuters last week saw the jobless rate -- currently stuck at 9.1 percent -- barely ticking down to 8.9 percent by the end of next year. With the election in November 2012, the expected decline looks unlikely to help Obama's job prospects much. Harold Archie, a bus driver with the Chicago Transit Authority, knows well the toll that unemployment is taking on Americans. Higher food and gasoline prices have compounded the strain on his finances since his son lost his job. Archie, 57, has been helping him financially. : Archie said his son might have a shot at getting his job back, but with a pay cut"And he was only making $13 an hour to start with."
  3. ZimZam

    Will his head...

    pop off like Saddam's when they hang him? That's if he even survives at all. Captured
  4. But I'll bet he asked. I can only hope to be as "spunky" when I'm that old. Don't hate the playa, hate the game. on Fred.
  5. Gepetto does the Giro.
  6. ZimZam


    Sick fuck.
  7. ZimZam

    A New Fight

    I don't two shitz about his ass. Advisors. Been there, done that.
  8. Right on Kevin.
  9. ZimZam


    What is GST and what does that go towards? Is a VAT only for lux items or for all purchases.
  10. You go brah!....
  11. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/16/sports/a-new-rush-for-mountain-climbers-to-the-top.html?_r=1&hp
  12. Sounds to me then like nobody knows what the fuck they are talking about. The State (which isn't a surprise), WF, or yourself. One question though. Do you have a dog in this fight? Or is this one of those bolt/don't bolt hissy fits?
  13. So what is it? A very few or any, or most or all. Could it be that you don't have all the facts either?
  14. ZimZam


    He sums it up pretty well. "The 1980 field in comparison to 2012 reminds me of the recent LSU vs. Florida game...the score was LSU 41- Florida 11."
  15. ZimZam


    OMG the world's gonna end. We agree on something.
  16. ZimZam


    OK. Supposing he is "qualified". What is the likelihood that conservative Red State voters will even entertain another person of color in the WH? Keep it real now.
  17. ZimZam


    Both TrashTalkingTina and Jimmy Carter were squids. So what's your point?
  18. ZimZam

    A New Fight

    everybody funny. now you funny too.
  19. ZimZam

    A New Fight

    Well just when you though our armed excursions were coming to a close, Barry's found a new one. This massacre is been going on for the last twenty years, and was entirely ignored by successive administrations as hundreds of thousands of people have been slaughtered. Now it seems the US wants to do something about it. What? Send in ground troops. You're gonna tell me this MF is more sophisticated than OBL. What we don't have a drone that can target this country-ass MF? Bullshit. Please don't tell me it's for humanitarian reasons either. They're just afraid the ChiComs are going to get all the vast mineral wealth first. American foreign policy has always neglected the Dark Continent and let this massacre go on and on and... You fucking hypocrites. Belgians in the Congo
  20. Don't know if you want to travel or not, but this may be of interest to you. Remote Rescue
  21. Your a little late bro but go lookin' out. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1038082/1
  22. the mountains to help you forget the madness and move on. An average of 18 military veterans commit suicide every day. [video:youtube]
  23. ZimZam

    Joke Thread

    Prince Charles goes to Saskatchewan to make a speech. During the speech he is wearing a fox hat. At the conclusion of the event HRH is approached by a reporter and is asked, "Why are you wearing that fox hat." He replied, "When I told the Queen I was going to Saskatchewan," she said, "Saskatchewan! Where the fucks at."
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