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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. Choada_Boy

    9/11 faked?

    One could say the same thing about your side as well. There aren't sides, retard. You are ignoring the reality of the situation.
  2. Choada_Boy

    9/11 faked?

    i would like at least 3 examples of a "fact", since you are fluent in the language. just 3. maybe 10 if you get quite excited. You're joking, right?
  3. Which Mount Washington? Back East? I'd keep at it in the White's while you're over there. Any of the Presidents are good for building the endurance required for larger peaks out here, The Presidential Traverse would be a good test for multi-day preparedness. The weather in the White's is more severe and unpredictable compared to out here I've found, while back-country and off trail navigational skills are more important out here IMHO. Summits are further from the road over rougher country. Mount Baker gives the most bang for your buck for an "intro" volcano climb, good views, rugged and interesting (North Side) on the easy routes, hard routes as well, without the commitment and altitude of Rainier.
  4. Choada_Boy

    9/11 faked?

    Facts? That depends on where you get your "fact" from. No it doesn't. A fact is a fact. Facts are true and irrefutable. Morons like yourself who believe this bullshit use only the small number of facts and any massive pile of nonsense bullshit you feel you need to "explain" your "theory", while ignoring the remaining available information and performing no logical reasoning. Glassy-eyed zealots unworthy of discussion.
  5. Choada_Boy

    9/11 faked?

    I wonder how many NYC firemen buy into this bullshit? My guess: zero.
  6. Choada_Boy

    9/11 faked?

    Rob...I read the entire article. It proves nothing. Yes. It proves nothing. But it uses what are called "facts" to refute all of your "beliefs".
  7. Choada_Boy

    9/11 faked?

    "Despite incontrovertible evidence, there are still some skeptics."
  8. I couldn't watch the whole video, too embarrassing for both sides. Side A) Thief Sociopath who couldn't give two shits. Side B) Morally Outraged but offers only a stern lecture while the camera runs for future Internet posting. Videotaping and posting to the interwebs does nothing. Draws are gone. The party that had a problem with this should have solved their problem and restored the balance, otherwise, move along. Alternate Ending (at 0:01): "Those aren't yours. You are going to give them to me so that I may attempt to return them to their rightful owners. You have no choice in this matter."
  9. Choada_Boy

    9/11 faked?

    Sigh... "Tin Foil Hat or Shocking Truth" "Please examine the National Institute of Standards and Technology World Trade Center Disaster Investigation Website: http://wtc.nist.gov/ ...and read the Final Reports of the Federal Building and Fire Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster: http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/ ...or at least the abstract of NIST NCSTAR 1-6D: Global Structural Analysis of the Response of the World Trade Center Towers to Impact Damage and Fire: http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR%201-6D.pdf ...but seeing as you have to download the whole article to read the abstract, you might as well look at the whole article. You can also look at the NIST pentagon report: http://www.fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/build03/PDF/b03017.pdf ...and compare the surveillance video images in the report to the cruise missile explosions in this video: ...or watch this video of Purdue University's computer simulation of the North Tower Collapse: ...or the project website: http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/cmh/simulation/ ..or Zeitgeist: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-594683847743189197# ...and if you still think there was a massive conspiracy and cover up, well, how's that extra chromosome working out for you?"
  10. I am a fan of broccoli.
  11. A generous gift card I was unable to tear in half with my Bear Hands. Under "Snow and Ice Protection" they have two types of ice screw holders and a V-thread tool that is useless without ice screws, but no ice screws. They also sell ice tools. Please explain.
  12. Can someone explain to me why REI sucks so bad? What's missing?: http://www.rei.com/category/4500002_Snow+and+Ice/q/Ice|Snow+Protection
  13. Choada_Boy

    Repeal of DADT

    I think McCain got a little too much ass play at the Hanoi Hilton. I think that ending DADT is a good start, but they should really think about banning poor blacks, white trash, and latinos.
  14. I have read it and it is good. Surely a Top 100 classic.
  15. Can we get another vote for The Last Blue Mountain? It's really good, especially if you've read it.
  16. Yes. Bagger 288 must remove the overburden.
  17. *** You are ignoring this user *** Toggle the display of this post Please refrain from quoting Douche Nozzle so that I don't have to read his stupidity. Carry on.
  18. What century did this happen?
  19. Less so, I'm sure, unless "Loser Stain-Thought Smudge" could be considered a positive contribution.
  20. Douche Nozzle is a constitutional scholar, so it won't be long before you'll have to suffer through his stupidity, don't you worry. I recommend the "Ignore User" feature.
  21. I think the server just crashed. Please limit future posts to only 50 pictures.
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