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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. I agree chipping is cheating. but in that circumstance dynomite is not cheating. Most chipping is done with the knowledge you are making the route climbable. With the dynomite, i dont believe that was there intention.
  2. I agree its 5.9, but I believe its rated 10.a in the book.
  3. find a mirror Damn, you made a funny.....
  4. I dissagree in this circumstance. Aid is using something other than hand and feet to accend.
  5. kevbone

    The Future

    Wont that be neet.
  6. At least he is an entertaining COCK!
  7. Your place in the climbing world? What is this about? Who decides my place in the climbing world? By points? How does one get points? By sending hard shit? I have the most fun. Therefore, I am the best climber. This 8a.nu site sucks. Talk about spray.
  8. I made a stick clip. Cost about $10. Got the supplies from Home Depot. I have used it a few times. Never at Smith. Have you ever been feeling really good and tried to lead something at your limit and not been able to finish it. I have. In these circumstances. Its nice to have a stick clip to get to the top of the climb and not have to leave gear. Once again. To each your own.
  9. Ivan quotes from Lord of the rings too much. I cant understand what he is saying.
  10. I nominate SevenSegal as the most entertaining poster. You are funny! Thank you for entertaining me on a daily basis. Too bad I could Kick you AAASSS……..
  11. Your place as far as points? Who decides the points?
  12. Steven Segal quoting Bruce lee. Not even on the same planet.
  13. Gee. You think? It takes a bigger man to admit he is a fool, than one to call him a fool. So there! Take that!
  14. I've seen the "kids" who are climbing 13's and 14's walk up to 12+ crack and put it down in a couple goes. Even 12 crack climbing is fairly common. Last weekend I was all happy that I put down a 7c until my buddy ran up to tell me he just onsited a 7c. I'm still the most shitty climber in the group. Really though, grades don't matter that much. Just make sure your having fun. If grades dont matter, then why are you spraying about them?
  15. I tried to post a climbing pic this morning and it did not work. I guess im a fool.
  16. Realy, Wow, never saw that coming. Too Bad he is always right. You dont believe me, just ask him.
  17. Yes, he may be that. I dont know. I do know when he post I read and usualy laught at what an asshole and loser he is. There for the most entertaining posting poser. Bill Coe is also funny. Although he is not an asshole, just alittle of a smart ass once in while. This is why I like him. Hey bill!!!!
  18. He said no smoking. That place smells like a ashtray. Man, when is Oregon going to follow WA with no ban on smoking in public places.
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