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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. All great climbs. Fote Hog. Do it every time. Dangling and CIOABS is fricken 5 stars.
  2. Anybody done the second pitch to Mental Physics? I did it a few years back. One bolt in about 100 of climbing. Problem is the crux is 20 feet from the belay, before you clip the "one bolt". And the crux is straight up from the belay. If you blow it. You are going to fall on your belayer. Welcome to the tree!
  3. I havent seen anything from Pope since the opening statement. I would like too!
  4. Your clearly not standing in the right place if the climber "rockets" into you. And I would agree Heresy is a good example of a good use of a clip. PS: the new guide is calling Heresy 11.c/d
  5. I agree with you Off White. But maybe pope should have thought about that before he sprayed his personal commentary all over this site. This thread should have started in spray. Because, even though the original post was written well, it is hugely spray. Can you move it to spray?
  6. How about soloing the eye? Great little warm up.
  7. What about the classics? Dogleg Double cross Stitcher quits off hands Peyotee cracks (all three) Double dip Geronemo Dog day afternoon Excorcist (although I was not a big fan of)
  8. I thought solid gold was hard. It might have been the 20 MPH wind and that is was January??? Can you say Crimper?
  9. Coarse and Buggy, one I had my eyes on, but never got to it. One of the greats: Room to shroom (with the 10.b extension) very cool climb. Start on the ground and climb up and back down to the ground.
  10. Hey dan. You have some entertaining posts yourself. Hope all is well.
  11. As long as there are pics of classics at jtree floating around, gets me excited to get back to Jtree. Favorite climbs at the tree: Touch n Go Walk on the wild side Gunsmoke North Overhang Birds of fire The list goes on and on.
  12. Most stick clips are used to clip the first bolt. True, but I have use it in red rocks where I was getting cocky and thought I could cruz this route because I just cruzed the route to the right of it that had number grade less. Well, if it wasn’t for the stick clip. I would have left gear. This circumstance had nothing to do with the first bolt.
  13. kevbone

    Only for men.

    Variation? Explain please.
  14. That does not look like clean and Jerk. Or at least not the one at jtree. Ok if you can edit, so can I. Not clean and jerk, but touch n go.
  15. I would have called it 11.a to onsight, if I didnt know better.
  16. Wow, guess im a whimp, along with all the other climbers at jtree for taping up. although i have seen a few folks not tape when climbing there. Far and few between.
  17. It kicked my ass. I thought it was hard for the grade.
  18. Yes it is. Anyone know what climb?
  19. Ok, how about this climb? Anyone?
  20. Good work Farrgo. You climbed it?
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