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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. SS, your soooooo funny, keep it up! Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,
  2. We should get a hold of who ever did this travesty and have them buy into them taking the route down. I believe the only person chopping bolts should be the person who put them in.
  3. kevbone

    only 18 more

    Where is my cake?
  4. kevbone

    only 18 more

    I want to thank all the people who made this happen. Including God. My parents. And of course all the fucked up sprayers who have countered my lame posts. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. 1000 baby.
  5. kevbone

    only 18 more

    If your snoozing so much? Why post?
  6. kevbone

    only 18 more

    Ah, decristo, so glad to have you included on My countdown thread.
  7. kevbone

    only 18 more

    Wow, just think. 4 digits, not three anymore, I will actually be a real sprayer. Respect, that’s what I’ll get.
  8. kevbone

    only 18 more

    Thanks, but I would rather have a cake!
  9. kevbone

    only 18 more

    Wow, this is fun having a conversation with myself.
  10. kevbone

    only 18 more

    Im getting close.
  11. kevbone

    only 18 more

    15 to go! Where's my cake?
  12. I will have to concur with the Enchantments camping. I climbed Pursik this summer. We camped on the ridge to the left of it. Amazing!
  13. kevbone

    only 18 more

    until im at 1000 posts, do I get a cake?
  14. Off white tends to get his panties twisted a lot.
  15. But putting in bolts here is against the law. Unless of course you don't care about the law. Vive trad! I would rather see 2 new bolts here than this crap.
  16. Apparently you have never had good acid.
  17. Your the man (eh...girl) pink!
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