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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Damn, you tell ehm! I will have to agree, very biased site. Oh well.
  2. ,Eddie,Eddie,Eddie,Eddie,Eddie,Eddie,Eddie,Eddie,Eddie,Eddie,
  3. Q: how do you get a drummer off your porch? A: pay for the pizza
  4. Wow, I love this biased site.
  5. You call is whining, I call it entertainment.
  6. Im mean, what the hell. I know Dechristo and SS are down with spray and can hold there own on this site. So they don’t care about getting bashed anymore that I do. So WHY AXE MY THREAD? There is a thread about Bellingham with the Fword in the title. You better axe away!
  7. I should be careful. I might offend a beetle loving administrator and get this whole thread axed.
  8. How many beetles where there? 3 and a drummer!
  9. No shit. How lame is that. You didn’t even get to respond. What kind of spray is this? I can’t even make fun of posting posers. And theres a tread about “spray is dead”. Its dead as long as you admins don’t let spray be spray. What gives?
  10. I’m going to have to agree with this poster. STFU and climb. Jesus you all sound like a bunch of silly wanking beyoches. Gyms help with training, and as much bitching is done on this silly nilly RuMr thread, YOU ALL GO TO THE GYM AND CLIMB.
  11. Thats because they live in Bellingham.
  12. China, my brother inlaw was just there.
  13. That is crazy, but great.
  14. kevbone

    SUCK IT!

    Hey arch, change you tampon lately?
  15. Thats funny, just like you! Jack Johnson has to DIE!
  16. Jack Johnson is good looking surfer boy who sings about love. How lame can you get? He sucks big ones.
  17. The thread is not titled THE GREATEST ROCK GUITARIST THAT INFLUENCED ME, AND THAT I LIKE. It the greatest ROCK guitarist. It’s not about whether you like him/her or not. Just did they influence more other guitarist? Did the style of the times change after him/her hit the airwaves? How many others band/guitarists tried to imitate him/her? I believe these are some of the questions you/we need to ask to answer the original post. And yes, this thread has run its course Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie!!!!
  18. kevbone

    SUCK IT!

    Is that your wife or daughter?
  19. kevbone


    Man, CC.com changed, looks like the same old posters.
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