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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone


    Jesus, Cant you PM them?
  2. Right, but just think if we ALL quit driving, how that would impact the oil companies. I know it wont happen. But just think how cool that would be. PS: love the thread drift!!!
  3. You apparently have never been there in the winter months, for sure its the best opportunity for "warm sunshine" but its frickin cold, with wind. Kevbone you don't know shit about the JT climate apparently. Maybe you should stick to giving advice about things you know a lot about - like hand-drilling in basalt... or maybe spelling and grammar. How many times have you been to JT? ...or maybe somebody just told you about it once during a pole-smoking session? Ah the good Dr. talking out your ass again. Something you do well. I have been there 6 times over the last 10 years beyotch. All in January, Feb, and March. So you can take your lameness elsewhere. I know what it is to be cold. Don’t get me wrong, I would like to be no other place. I was just commenting on the “warm sunshine” comment. It would have been more appropriate to say “come climbing in sunshine and bring you down jacket. Cause its going to be cold”
  4. This does not tell how much wind will be blowing.
  5. I suppose it matters "how much we bitch" about the intended. To make passing comments about omissions, or bolted routes is one thing. But to constantly be yelling about them and not do anything to help the situation, it’s a hypocrite.
  6. This is hypocritical. If you want to help with bringing down omissions from your car. You could do your part and not drive. Same thing with climbing.
  7. Bolting has gotten out of control? Possibly! It really comes down to your upbringing in the climbing world. Just like being a bad parent leads to a bad child. Same with sporto’s. Learn tradition first. Learn to climb gear first. Learn how our forefathers did it before we came along. Of course with the invention of the power drill, bolting has become so easy. Rap bolted climbs are the norm. Climbers think they have to bolt every possible piece of rock. Wrong! But it’s ludicrous to boycott a film because Pope comes across with the holier than thou attitude. Its quite simple…..don’t go…. Of course Im a fool because it already happened. To all those who bitched about Smith Rock on this thread…….you are never able to go there again. If you do, you will be called out. If you do…..you are a hypocrite.
  8. You apparently have never been there in the winter months, for sure its the best opportunity for "warm sunshine" but its frickin cold, with wind.
  9. Thats funny that you mention it because no more than 10 feet to the right of the photos kevbone posted is where the plastic sport route was. It has since been chopped but the scars are still visible. That is funny. I did not see that! I will look next time.
  10. Do you think this would fly in Yosemite? I dont. Its not common practice there.
  11. Oh yeah, I can see it now: “Are you a member”? Asks Mr. Layton.
  12. in the stang then goin back to couv . Yes that is an apple Jason has in his hand, and about to light it up. Apples work great.
  13. Damn bill, did you type all that? Or are you the paste and copy king?
  14. As long as we are talking about bolted cracks: Index WA, I climbed the crack that goes above the huge door in the wall down in the “Country” (I think that’s the name of the area). It goes at 5.7. Anyway, was told by a local to keep going up the bolted climb above it. They stated it goes at 5.10. So off we went. Climbed the next pitch. Thought it was harder than 5.10 (im a wimp). Got to the anchor and there are 3 bolted climbs leading up from there. We took the route to the right. Got up 3 of 4 bolts, came around a corner and walla! A perfect green Camelot size crack running about 30 feet or so, with 5 or 6 bolts running within 6 inches of the crack. The climb was great but a little weird clipping bolts along side such a perfect crack. I surprised the locals didn’t come down hard on the guy who bolted this crack!
  15. So im off on the time by 10 minutes, sorry. Hand drilling still sucks if you dont have to. No. As usual, you were talking out your ass about something you know nothing about. You're probably off something more like 20-40 minutes, of course you wouldn't know that because you clearly haven't taken the time to actually do it. Hence the reason I am willing to bet $100+ you couldn't. I disagree, hand drilling does not suck. I never stated I have drilled lots of bolts by hand. And your correct, as far as timing of hand drilling, I was talking out my ass. Kind of smells. My history: By hand….1 personally…..witnessed 5 or so. Drill………200 give or take.
  16. I want to, but have not climbed since Miles came into the world.
  17. As much as I/you are right about “hell, its Smith rock”, I would hate for one of the premier climbing crags to be know for bolted cracks. Its one thing to have a plethora of bolted climbs, its another to blatantly put bolts in arms reach of obvious cracks. If the crack sucks, how about not putting the climb up at all?
  18. So im off on the time by 10 minutes, sorry. Hand drilling still sucks if you dont have to.
  19. I tried Grit Roof about 8 years ago before flake broke. Thought that was hard. I could not imagine it without the flake. Shit.
  20. Thats funny, I never climbed it. Just walked past it.
  21. Thank you for circling them. I think the picture speaks for it self. Makes me want to puke!
  22. Thats not a bad idea. You could also ride your horse across country, so you can appricate how is used to be. Or jump on board with the 21st century. Why your at it, make sure to listen to your 8 track before you go climbing. I have some beta tapes for you to watch as well. Buy a drill. Screw hand drilling. Unless you have to, AKA, wilderness area!
  23. I would not need or take a chalk bag out to Beacon, In the cold.
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