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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone


    A big bong hit usually does the trick.
  2. OZZY, OZZY, OZZY, OZZY, OZZY!!!!!!!
  3. Dechristo, your posting at 1 am? you ever sleep? HAPPY THANKGIVING, NOW GO EAT SOME TURKEY, TURKEY!
  4. Dru-spotter, HAPPY THANKSGIVING BRO!!!!
  5. Spanish Fly is a lot more interesting jam to play. As are most Randy Rhoads solos. Spanish Fly is an incredible piece, he recorded it in two takes. Thats pretty cool and amazing. Randy is great as well, its really a shame he past on looooooonnnnggg before his time. I choose Eddie as the most influential rock guitarist. He is not my favorite but I believe the most influential. All rock guitar changed in the following years after he came to power. Guitarist imitated him for a decade. Whether you like his music or not, he for surely influenced a lot of upcoming guitarist. Currently I enjoy listening to Steve Kimock. Who I would say is the most patient guitarist playing today.
  6. kevbone

    3 o'clock high

    Time for alcohol!!!!
  7. kevbone

    here i spray

    Here I spray, great, I got to get some of it. Hey Pink, you want some of this?
  8. Holy cow is this thread all about speculation.
  9. You are an idiot; we are human, which means we make mistakes! Kramer screwed up. So fucking what.
  10. kevbone

    This is it.

    kevbone's leaving??!?!?!?! I dont know, this got abused pretty bad.
  11. kevbone

    TURKEY Day

    Hey Dru-spotter, you are a vegetable.
  12. Crossroads, great movie, one of my favorites.
  13. Been fun boys and girls, but time to go home. Until tomorrow, where we can have another productive day at work.
  14. And you grab for the little thing that you have. Every night.
  15. I bet Arc enjoys being Teabaged.
  16. What was his name, you know the singer to Nirvana? Kirt something, Oh yeah, I remember it was Kirt GO BANG!
  17. I like Seattle, for visiting, but to live there? LLLLAAAMMMEEEE, Portland rules. Really? Why? Or is this just part of your daily regimen of 'truths' you profess without any basis in fact, critical thought, or experience-based insight. I lived in both cities and I can come up with a list of things I loved about both, and I list of things I didn't quite care for in either city. But in the end I think what you're trying to tell us is that in your little sphere of "opinion" that you more likely managed to borrow from others than develop for yourself, someone told you once that Portland is cooler and it stuck. My opinion is just that! I like Seattle, but prefer Portland. Even though I live in the Couv. So you seen, we both have WA driver licenses. Ha
  18. no you won't you hit the all-caps key? Hey Dan, your killing me over hear.
  19. I like Seattle, for visiting, but to live there? LLLLAAAMMMEEEE, Portland rules.
  20. All you fuckers live in Seattle! This would tell alot about you.
  21. Where do you get you info? You are full of shit. Hey Arc boy, im talking to you Beyotch! Awww, isn't it cute, it won a fight and now it wants to gloat. Spoken like a true assssshhhhooollleeee.
  22. Because he sucks as a guitar player, compared to Van Halen, Malmstien, Vai, and Satriani.
  23. Where do you get you info? You are full of shit. Hey Arc boy, im talking to you Beyotch!
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