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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Anyone know what Arc's other names are?
  2. Flyingpig and Pink? baa Dru and G-spotter
  3. I drive a fast car. Wanna go for a ride?
  4. Just like you love reading what I have to say.
  5. Just like you love reading what I have to say.
  6. Pink, forget your refusal to post for one week. We here in the world of spray need you. come back.
  7. What, like none of you all visit this site? What the grading system all about?
  8. you know you wanna have his lovechild, dont'cha kix? RU I thought you wanted to have his ass love child, or love his childly ass!
  9. Hey bill, are you saying people actually post under different names? Who would do such a thing?
  10. You have imaginary friends too! I thought I was the only one.
  11. Jesus christ is this the spray all of spray sites. I just visited it for the first time. Anyone know what the grading system (thing) is all about. How does one get points, by there standards?
  12. Hey Dechristo crack. Where are you. I cant believe you can acutaly not post. You are turning over a new leif (garit). Duuuuuuuu
  13. What? Arc is the best poser poster! I love reading his bantar.
  14. Man, spray sucks this morning! Where’s the love?
  15. Good good, this is the entertainment I was talking about. Very funny
  16. kevbone


    They backed up into him, and he liked it!
  17. Im going to have to give it up to Arc, for his award. He/she is abusive, crass, and has no style. But I love to read his/he posting. Simple, entertainment. Sencond goes out to Steven Segal. He uses the whole “im a bad ass” theme. Very entertaining. Even if he is a tool. I do look forward to reading his drivel on a daily basis. Keep it up boys!
  18. Go away? Na, how could I. And not be able to carry on these wonderful intellectual conversations with my brethren. I don’t think so.
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