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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. For at least a week. Spray just is not the same! I miss my friend Randall PINK Floyd. You will return in triumph, for all these wise crack head wanabe sprayers suck and will bow before the true PINKy finger. Can I smell yours? Decristo wants to smell yours.
  2. kevbone

    321.3 feet.

    Now this is true spray!!
  3. Favorite climb: Zebra Zion and Epinephrine Dream climbs: any I can get too!
  4. Well, i will learn to spell correctly, but you will always be a tool.
  5. Dude, you have a vastly inflated sense of your own importance. Hardly anyone gives a shit what you think. You said hardly. That means someone does.
  6. Did you all hear what I said. FOOTBALL SUCKS.
  7. Dechristo. I do like Weather Report. I happen to like all sorts of music. I like everything from Classical to Aborted (heavy metal band from Sweden, makes Pantera look like choir boys). Well not all music. Most country should be banned from the airwaves
  8. You must be old if you like Weather Report.
  9. Spelling cops! Grammar cops! That sentence gets C-! Correct answer: "too seriously." :lmao: My point exactly!
  10. You win again. Darnet!!!
  11. Football sucks. Grown men in tights hiting each other. I mean let’s get real. Football is way to hyped up. It’s boring. They play hard for 5 to 10 seconds then stand around and talk about it for a minute. BORING. I have never watched an entire game in my life. Rather go climbing.
  12. Christo crack, why dont you post that in ENGLISH?
  13. Hey christo crack. Stand up and step away from the plunger. Wipe off and stay of this site.
  14. I took four hits and watched the exorcist
  15. kevbone


    Ordered a fu fu coffee drink at Stumptown on Belmont about 5 years ago. Got a real snobby barista response. Fuck that place. Too bad!
  16. potter poopy likes G-spotting on your G-string.
  17. You all take spelling WAY to serious
  18. QUIT TYPING. Or you could just quit being a TOOL.
  19. G-spotter likes poopy potter.
  20. Beacon: Sufficiently Breathless Young Warriors Bears in Heat Columbia River Gorge: Party at the Moon Tower There and back again Standing ovation The Crumbing
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