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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Is this a real climb? Where?
  2. I don’t consider Clapton to be ROCK guitar player, or really that good to be considered on this discussion. I know he gets respect, but for what. Jammin the blues? Hell Steavy Ray V. is way better than Clapton. I like some Clapton and give the respect for what he has done with music. But really I have never heard any truly virtuoso guitar playing from Clapton. Eddie learned Clapton solely because Clapton came before him. But coming before doesn’t necessarily mean you have more influence. Just means, you came before.
  3. Show me your tits! 10.b quiz: where is this climb at? Hint: its in cally and its sport.
  4. “Party in your pants” Vantage 5.8, this is a good name “Illusion dweller” Jtree. 5.10 Quiz, anybody now the real name of Illusion dweller?
  5. Im not so sure. In reality, it’s a hard toss up. Jimi is the man. Eddie is the man. I think more OTHER guitarist tried to sound like Eddie after he hit the airwaves more than Jimi. Eddie actually changed the way rock guitarist played. Everybody actually tried to sound like him. And coming out first, has nothing to do with it.
  6. kevbone


    Thats great. Thanks.
  7. Is there realy such a thing?
  8. Whoopi frickin do! Your musically inclined friends blow ass. Just like you. Jimmi and Eddie were both influential. But Eddie is just a little more. End of thread! PS at least until I decide to bring it back.
  9. Hey, shouldn’t this thread be called “what rhymes with Dru – I’m a idiot”
  10. Cant be. that chick looks cute.
  11. I vote for the snaffle - hole. Ill ask you mother about the hole. She knows all about it.
  12. If we keep this up. My name will be on the top of the list FOREVER!!!!!! Thanks CJ. By the way have you changed your tampon today?
  13. I thought Dechristo was the brightest star?
  14. Hey cj. your funny! You amuse me. Keep it up! Thanks!
  15. Hey dru-spotter.....sshhhh.
  16. What are you talking about. My first real inquiry is what I was talking about. You sound like you have to have a history with CC.com in order to start spraying? Is this the case? Is so I was not informed. You just dont take kindly to newbies. Your bad, because Im funny... just ask me!
  17. I must be gifted and privileged. I have a thread with my name on it. I know you have not come into this privileged realm yet. You suck.
  18. How I got into spray? I posted a REAL inquiry! I asked about a local climb I wanted to climb. I got slammed by the usual suspects. And I mean slammed. My REAL INQUIRY went straight to the toilet in 3 pages. I realized all about spray! Keep it real. But we all know this is not how it is. One mans spray is another mans offense. I thought spray is spray, and it’s on! Not true! This was this summer. I have enjoyed meeting and playing around (online) with all the sprayers on this site. But unfortunately the admins and moderators see it different. I will probably be banned soon. And for what? Having fun. This of course is open for interpretation. Later…….
  19. Holy shit you have a big ego! Star sprayers? At least I can brag that IM THE BIGGEST WHIPPING BOY! Now thats something to brag about. You on the other hand are a kiss ass to the admins! If you dont live in Seattle (in the little circle), your out if the admins get in a bad mood. Boo Hoo. Bias, bias, bias!!!
  20. I poked her daughter...says g-spotter.
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