If's it's really warm I wear a pair of Hercules work gloves (the kind with the cotton mesh top and super grippy palms). I have tried using the gloves and shell mitts thing and had a real crappy time cause my glove would slip around underneath the mitt shell... Bad idea. For colder conditions I use an approach glove (I think the OR windstopper fleece glove), black diamond spindrift gloves for climbing, and black diamond mercury mitts for belays. Seems to work okay.
I don't have experience with those particular products, but MEC seems to be a pretty solid company. My canadian buds seem to think so anyway! Tuff getting there stuff down here cause lots of times they only ship to Can.
You are probably right, but, seeing how it's still completly functional, it's worth at least 140 to me. So yeah, 140 is final, unless the guy at the junkyard gives me less that 50 bucks for my car. Then, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.
Shit you guys I'm really glad to hear that things worked out for you. Such an unfortunate accident but it could have been so much worse. Here to you for taking good care of your friend, and also to all the rescue professionals who rolled up and did their job so well. Accidents like this happen, and from what I understand from your story, you guys had your shit pretty much together. Good decision not to force any self rescue in that situation.
PS. I agree about the prussik point you made...
Possible this one...
But these two have personal sentimental value to me for stupidity... Missed most of the show...
Notice attempt to get into tent feet first...
I would love to see a picture of ice in the gorge, if anyone has one... I'm sorta new to OR but missin out on the New Hampshire ice scene... Curious to see what it looks like if anyone has a shot! Just something to get my stoke up!