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Everything posted by sweatinoutliquor

  1. Ha! Come'on Sobo, I heard you were all the rage at the ropeup! Thanks for the info... I use petzl ascension jumars, which I believe are good in the 7 - 13 mm range... I was thinking about aiming for 9, but, 10 may be that much more durable. Another annoying question that probably could be solved by reading labels... What's the lifespan of these ropes? I am assuming they last a bit longer than dynamic ropes before you have to retire them... Thanks again folks, I like this forum... Very informative.
  2. Okay, walk me through it... (I had a rough night, okay!). Clinton and Bush. Hands on... Okay. Seeing a difference. (imagine how good my thesis writing is going right now...)
  3. Sorry Stonehead, I'm not smart enough to reply to this. I mean, I understand that you are talking about ears, and I really like your burning dude avatar, but I think I am lost on this one. Are you saying that the President's job is more about representing his administrations (ie. economic, agricultural, health, and all that other stuff) views, rather than being the one who makes choices himself? I would agree with that I suppose... Sorry, I shouldn't have even tried on this one. Shut up SOL before everyone realizes your an idiot!
  4. Wasn't planning on getting a static for toproping, just curious. At some point I was thinking about getting a static for hauling and jugging when aid climbing though... Any thoughts on what is a good diameter for that kinda work? Reason for posting the question was to see if I won the drinking argument last night, which, apparently I didn't.
  5. Huh... Interesting. Thanks Alex!
  6. PM me a price... I am interested...
  7. Hey folks, quick question... I was having a beer with some folks I met yesterday who were up from california and, not sure how we got on the subject, but one of them apparently did some guiding where they used static ropes for toproping. I guess their reasoning was that they don't wear out as fast... But seriously? Do people actually do this? Not that I would ever even consider doing it, but is this actually an accepted practice? I feel like even on toprope, if your belayer takes his eye off of you to look at the prana top next door, and you take a few foot fall (cause of a few feet of slack) doesn't this end up sucking? Just seems weird... No I don't know what guide service it was.
  8. Ha! Yup, only in this country!
  9. Congrats!
  10. Not sure if you have seen it, but I got a kick out of it... video
  11. Probably got a helicopter ride or something... Why do you suppose he is prancing around all giddy and happy like that!? I think it's a pretty cool picture. Sort of looks like he is getting ready to fly! Or perhaps leap after a missing quark!
  12. One time I ate corndogs for 2 months straight, but my hair started falling out and when my girlfriend saw me she thought I had scurvy. So yeah, corndogs, in 2 month rotations.
  13. Nice! I gotta get me up there!
  14. Hey iain, any pics of the snow?
  15. Cool video. I can't wait for skiing.
  16. Any incriminating photos come out of this thing?
  17. I have 8 dollars. And a change container with about $3.50 in it. Yup, that's about it. Deb: And here we have some boondoggle key chains. A must-have for this season's fashion. Napoleon: I already made like infinity of those at scout camp. Deb: I'm trying to earn money for college. Kip: Your mom goes to college.
  18. Hell yeah! Those pictures are great! Thanks for getting them up here... I must get up to this mountain, and spend some more time in the area. Such a cool place!
  19. Sweat it out Warren!
  20. Hey Jesse. Sure, this is a good place to post. Welcome to the site! Good luck with PMR too! Nice to have you guys around when we take trips to the hillz. Hopefully you have a winter full of awesome and technical training excercises, but no real deployments! SÕL
  21. Sniff sniff... I was going to come up from Corvallis this afternoon. Probably for the best that I wait though... Funds running low, and I never can walk out of those door with any money left.
  22. I have also had a very bad experience buying ice tools from Sportsextreme.com. Misquoted price, charged me for shipping upon reciept, (already paid) and no customer service cause they are in Denmark or something. Wouldn't return emails and phone call. Suck suck suck!
  23. Okay, I think I understand. Lucky you (I suppose) for breaking your brain. Surely a good thing to have in those situations as fear of heights or panic can lead to irrational thinking which usually doesn't solve problems. Once again, thanks for sharing and telling all the grisley details!
  24. PS. It wasn't licheny (at least the routes we did) And no, they weren't dark cryatals
  25. Went down to Castle Crag this weekend and met up with a buddy from Davis for a little playing around. Folks, don't ever go here, it sucks. No good climbing whatsoever... Seriously, what an awesome place! Long approach to the goods, but they are there for sure. Interesting granite, not very typical, kinda crumbly in some places. We climbed the cosmic wall cause of some advice, had a great time. Real easy climbing with a kick ass view. I watched tanker planes dropping loads of fire retardant on a forest fire 15 miles away, but didn't get any action shots cause I forgot my camera on the route. Anyway, stay off it, cause it's no fun anyway Then messed around with a little sport stuff and called it a trip. Great time was had by all, and only ran into one other group of climbers the whole time. Anybody done the three star 10d route on the SE face of castle? Looked pretty crazy. Anyway, here are a few pics for ya...
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