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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. Especially by "young adults"
  2. Is Town Crier considered Grade III or Grade IV? Its about six pitches of moderate aid. (moderators, move this discussion to THE NEW ROCK CLIMBING FORUM if you want)
  3. Good point. ACLU was plaintiff or at least amicus.
  4. Pigbone should get their own forum so they can wank eachother instead of dragging down good spray with their own inept attempts at humor. - Have a good holiday CJ.
  5. Out of sincere interest, not pedandics, what about the route makes it unusually time consuming for 6 pitches? Was each pitch sustained and difficult?
  6. Why is that a conflict of interest? Does that mean that Antonin Scalia is restricted from hearing any case involving seperation of powers issues because he is a member of the Federalist Society?
  7. Apparently, you're still "knew" to the english language, as well. Hope you develop some better spray skills too, cause your current ones suck (but E-rock's already articulated that in much better detail).
  8. Wasn't trying to bag on John and Scott's effort or climb or trying to be armchair climber or whatever, but the route objectively doesn't appear to be Grade IV, given the info from their trip report.
  9. I was hoping you'd chime in on the veracity of the FA claim.
  10. DirtyHarry

    Topo of topo

    Wow. What an accomplishment. Put it on your resume.
  11. DirtyHarry

    Topo of topo

    Are you drunk, or just retarded?
  12. Cool. Confirms what I've heard - NOT reasonably doable in a day. Nice pic's, BTW, and nice jorb!
  13. Nice guys. Did you do it in two days or three? How many hours would you say the approach took?
  14. That's pretty cool. Who do you think your market would be? - What type of climbers would you expect to be shopping at your store?
  15. Girlies have shown me a lot of things.
  16. My family is from there too. Whenever I have to go back to visit the grandparents, that's about the only thing to look forward to (P-Pilsner, not hairspray at the mall).
  17. Appreciate the heads up, but you should probably know that cc.com does not represent the Mountaineers, or vice versa. Our only connection with that group is really to mock them in a condescending manner. I'm sure your post will provide fodder for this, thanks
  18. Ironic. I was just getting 'round to posting about how the only thing that sucks more than Iron City beer is the PITTSBURGH FUCKING STEELERS. How you like that, punk? Seriously though, as a native p-burger you ever swill Pennsylvania Pilsner? I think that's my favorite domestic beer.
  19. He already has. Why do you think your kids turned out so short?
  20. I envision that this picture and the above commentary shall adorn the outdoor signboard of Layton's first chiropracting practice. Or atleast be displayed predominantly in the waiting room. I believe that it would provide comfort for those going in for a proctology exam.
  21. Sorry didn't get to climb with you while you were here Ken, but atleast we got to swill some beers. And congatulations again on the healthy little alien baby!
  22. They are if you're in the Champaign Room.
  23. Shit man, I've even got a Member's Only jacket. I'm wearing it right now.
  24. I doubt that its all that uncommon in Chilliwack to have 25-year-olds still in high school.
  25. and the "pseudo ice-cream"
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