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Everything posted by drater

  1. drater

    Infinite Bliss

    Nope Never climbed at Suicide…..climbed a bunch at Jtree. Sounds like its got Suicide beat. I climbed a slab route there…..3 bolts on a 160 foot route. Now that is run out. But runout is in the eyes of the beholder. I personally don’t like to be runout. Being scared is not why I climb. I agree….to fall off a slab you would need an overhang beneath it to FALL OFF THE SLAB. You are an idiot. So we should agree you fall DOWN the slab. Slab falls are weaksauce anyway...just a big scary sliding scrape, generally no airtime unless their almost vert and you push off (dumb idea). Jtree has plenty of proud runout slabs, the rock at Suicide is like 8 gajillion times better and smoother so when you're palming and highstepping on nothing, it really feels like nothing. I couldn't climb anything harder than 10a there if it didn't have a crack.
  2. drater

    Infinite Bliss

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and venture a guess you learned to climb in a gym. Suicide is runout slab climbing. Typical routes have 4-5 bolts per 100', the really gnarly routes have 1 or 2. Falling off of a slab and falling onto a slab are totally different things. To fall onto a slab, the route would have to get steeper above the slab. Apples and Oranges.
  3. drater

    Infinite Bliss

    Hell no!!! Kevy thinks 10' above a bolt on a slab is runout.
  4. drater


    I was listening to ESPN podcasts (I know, uber-ghey) while suffering thru tax law hell today and heard a discussion that Ichiru was pissed because the kid threw him a curveball for the first pitch. Apparently this is a sign of great disrespect in Japan. Hate to see how bad his feelings would have been hurt had matsusaki plunked him in the ribs pitch 1.
  5. I dry tooled once but then she cut me off for a month.
  6. kix does have kind of a new age mullet
  7. drater

    Infinite Bliss

    I wasn't, but I have been getting the urge to do some chuffing lately, must be something to do with the multiple 500'+ limestone walls discovered last month. Wonder if any of my gear is still good...probably a question for SuperTaco... Which reminds me, how f'n tall is this Infinite Choss pile? 20 pitches? 25? Full rope length pitches or half rope? Cuz yeah, "longest sport climb in America" and all that...
  8. drater

    Infinite Bliss

    I often wonder the same thing about ropes. Well, not often, but right now.
  9. Is that how he wants you to dress up for tonight? lol, nothing so exciting...that's my website he's pimping on the front of his car...not easy to notice with the excess skankiness flooding the pic
  10. with all the vitriol flowing in spray today, thought I'd spread some love. One of my customers felt the urge to send me this photo, enjoy.
  11. oh yeah, sargent_rock not looking weak at 53...
  12. remember when v2 was like 11a and v3 was like 11b and v5 was entry level 12a? Back in the day and shit... Now, according to 8a.spew, v7 is mid 5.12. What a crock...
  13. drater

    Infinite Bliss

    How long is this thing anyway? Just wondering how tall the "longest sport route in america" really is. Not that I've found a limestone wall that might be a contender or anything....
  14. Awesome. Can anybody recommend a good HR department?
  15. besides climbing (assuming that some of you actually climb and not just on the intardnet)do you sprayers engage in. Mostly referring to sports and hobbies, but feel free to share whatever. (Dru, we don't need to hear the details of your pig farm escapades, kthnx) Depending on the season, most of my stoke is derived from: BackCountrySnowboarding (yay selkirks) FrontCountrySnowboarding (yay Schweitzer) Kiteboarding (yay LPO/Gorge) Vertical Gardening (yay new bolders) Wakeboarding (yay beers and betties) Trying to get into better shape (yay puking) Work and Family Obligations seem to rank higher on the priority scale these days tho. You?
  16. Careful, Kevboneless might be in his mommies basement wanking to that thought.
  17. Wrong. Descendents of Satan and Eve. Pay attention, bishes. Just in case someone doesn't get the humor: the faith says that the Covenenant between God and Abraham was the beginning of the line. Thanks Arch. Also a poorly constructed tie in to the Idaho thread and the vitriol spewed by my pig fucking racist neighbors (OMG, I called racists pig fuckers, I'm a bigot too!), America's Promise Ministries. Also, I'm stealing one of your downthread quotes for my new sig, in a perfect world every one of my posts would have it flashing in neon all the way around it, I'll settle for the sig line. kthnxbye. Wow, I got quoted. Sort of. The ghey ass (OMG, he hates queers too!) 100 space sig limit required some choppin...
  18. Spain has the best rock I've ever climbed. In multiple areas, not that close to each other. Really quite amazing. Wish I would have owned a camera then.
  19. Wrong. Descendents of Satan and Eve. Pay attention, bishes. Just in case someone doesn't get the humor: the faith says that the Covenenant between God and Abraham was the beginning of the line. Thanks Arch. Also a poorly constructed tie in to the Idaho thread and the vitriol spewed by my pig fucking racist neighbors (OMG, I called racists pig fuckers, I'm a bigot too!), America's Promise Ministries. Also, I'm stealing one of your downthread quotes for my new sig, in a perfect world every one of my posts would have it flashing in neon all the way around it, I'll settle for the sig line. kthnxbye.
  20. drater

    I fondeld my gear

    I can hook a sister up with Ocean Rodeo gear, bomber drysuits. Probably not for diving tho, if that's your gig. http://www.OceanRodeo.com
  21. Wrong. Descendents of Satan and Eve. Pay attention, bishes.
  22. drater

    Rate the commute

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! The east side would suck just as much as the wet side if all those people moved over.
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