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Everything posted by drater

  1. The selkirk backcountry skiing right now is so off the hook: deep, stable and fluffy. Conditions that you hope for at least once a year, been like that for 10 days and growing. Work=Devil
  2. Nevermind. I'd rather show you photo's online after you've left the state. As you wait in line to flail out DropZone.
  3. Does this mean that both you and that midget enumclaw hoss wrassler are finally exiting my fine state? Kumbayfuckinyamylord!!!
  4. The Perfectly Dry Wall will be perfectly dry.
  5. Your's won't be the first body found in a shallow hole down canyon...google jack owen spillman...he a true visionary first ascentionist in the canyon. NH/WIL scope session this time next month, circuit hookup as well?
  6. What good is the pro deal if you can't pass on the bro deal?
  7. There's holes on Schweitzer with no cell coverage, prolly what happened. Wed you just had to know how the winds blow up there, it was either scoured out (most of it) or super loaded, waist deep retardedly light pow..x,y,z chutes, big timber, pucci's, all OB N or NE faceing aspects...I'd take that day any day and everyday!!! Instead of Silver, I'd go to Turner Mountain outside Libby. They are only open Fri-Sat-Sun and have gotten pounded all week. Plus, one double chair and 30 locals ensure it takes all weekend to track out. That place with two feet is unreal. Silver involves lots of traversing and double lift rides to ride anything steep. IMHO.
  8. Your unabridled enthusiasm towards topo's and guidebooks is exactly why you're off the short list for New Hueco. And the new limestone areas in Western Idaho.
  9. Called you, no answer. Rode all day, first chair till last chair, can barely move this morning. <3 lift accessed b/c with a ski-out back to another lift. Cheating4surebutIdon'tcare!!!
  10. I'd just like to point out when you guys get legal access and boldering development begins in force, I FA'd all the Baby Snakes problems back in the late 90's. And they'z good too.
  11. Yeah, fuckers, it was calm by 2pm but they called it at noon, got booted off the mountain by ski patrol over by chair 4, hiked Reservoir b/c all day, can barely walk. Oh and the post frontal mix was straight dumpage, inch an hour type snow when I was leaving. I'm probably down for tomorrow, I blew off a lot of shit workwise today so I need to get shit accomplished before 7am if I'm riding tomorrow too. I'll call that number if I go. Local secret, aim for the white spots, they're softer than the green ones. Also, anything on the left side of the Great Collide is gonna be so money tomorrow morning.
  12. haha, I had this big complicated post with multiple quotes and photo's set up, mocking the guy that incorrectly assumed I was calling vantage bullet... and I closed the page by mistake, ruining minutes (like three) of hard work....and thought, feck it, let them eat vantage. Cuz it is the BEST wintertime cragging area in the state.
  13. I wish, snowshoe hoofer and snomobile ride hitcher here...but an intimate knowledge of the Lift accessed schweitzer backcountry...how to get out and back in....but I can't keep up with a split boarder on my snowshoes! Also, 7" on the deck up at the Lazier Center right now, another 4-6 predicted overnite, first chair at the quad tomorrow is the place to be tomorrow about 8:40!
  14. This statement is inherently untrue but in the interest of keeping my favorite warm winter wall unsullied by the masses huddling for warmth, I won't prove it. Besides, who likes cranking on way steep bullet edges anyway?
  15. Anybody know what the physical epicenter of the state is? My guess is within a few miles of Thorpe. Someone please geek out and let me know. Thanks.
  16. I suppose Monroe is Central Washington now as well, being close to Gold Bar and all... Someone once posted this really funny map of washington on cc.com, if I wasn't so lazy I might go look for it. It would settle this for sure!
  17. Looks like sick snowkiting terrain. Any windheads seen out there?
  18. Gold Bar and Leavenworth=Central Washington?
  19. Clean out your PM's!!!
  20. Dover is the new Sandpoint.
  21. drater

    The Beehive

    Your signature is spray!
  22. Is that some sort of mormon sex act?
  23. drater

    The Beehive

    Well, make it easy enough for me to get up then. Below average snowpack, might be an early season up there.
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