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Everything posted by Mal_Con

  1. Don't worry they bitch slapped Spector into place and he retracted WP Article
  2. The 10 comandments are principly religeous laws about how to worship God and not laws for governing society.
  3. Mal_Con

    Democrats Suck

    Democrats can never get anywhere by being fake republicans, the fundies will choose the real deal every time.
  4. Fly over country, no rocks, no ice, no glaciers, no alpine, no nothin anyone who lives there obviously sucks, so who cares
  5. I have some old rain gutter towers w/locks, make an offer. You can pm me.
  6. Mtn bike sat then feshiez check Paradise Sun, partyies an trick or treating in between.
  7. "It's audio quality is only average." Really depends what you are comparing to it, if is an Audio DVD played through a $15k system, yeah right. But if it is a typical CD player it is pretty comparable if it is set for high quality.
  8. How about this one, Monster Slash http://www.monsterslash.org/
  9. Mal_Con


    You also might like http://www.gnn.tv/videos/video.php?id=27 Eminem's video "Mosh" Warning takes a while to load
  10. Mal_Con

    Team America

    That is so 90's a thing to say
  11. iTunes because it is most user friendly, nice radio interface too.
  12. Mal_Con

    eBay material?

    To me it is worth more than money. nuff said
  13. Mal_Con

    eBay material?

    I have a German friend who gave me a 1st German edition of Everest autographed by Messner, no one is getting that,my precious.
  14. I like the CO proposal as it would eliminate most of the problems with the EC without a Constitutional Amendment. It would eliminate the problems 0f 2k FL (probably also 2004 FL too) because it would not be so profitable to game the system. It would also give 3rd parties a chance. On the down side it could lead to coalition governments.
  15. Mal_Con


    I missed the first one but is that dufus really the leader of the free world
  16. Even the Seattle Weekly http://www.seattleweekly.com/features/0441/041013_news_rossi.php called him Far-Righteous Rossi
  17. So you want antichoice Rossi?
  18. speeding
  19. Used to have an office accross the hall from them, funy thing is they looked allright but never seemed to go outside.
  20. True but most of the problems were DUI's or night drivers in the dips. Never had problems in daylight and clear.
  21. When I lived in Ridgecrest the limit was still 55 in CA, but we knew lot of CHP and they really did not care about speed on 395 regularly went 85+ on way to Sierra. OR is different they still play dead cuts from the 70's. Safe and prudent is well up in the 80's so it goes.
  22. Cheneys right if they allowed the inspectors to stay in they would have confirmed that Iraq had no WMD and it would have been impossible to sell the war
  23. Mal_Con

    Wired Debates

    It was a heartplug that Cheney could elctronicly activate if Schrub started to make sense when the drugs wear off.
  24. Mal_Con

    VP Debate

    FYI Here is a list of the Senate's Acting Presidents for every Tuesday session for 2001. January 30 - Enzi February 6 - Chafee February 13 - Chafee February 27 - Allen March 6 - Burns March 13 - Reid March 20 - DeWine March 27 - Chafee April 3 - Smith April 24 - Chafee May 1 - Chafee May 8 - Chafee May 15 - Frist May 22 - Chafee June 5 - Enzi June 12 - Byrd June 19 - Carper June 26 - Bayh July 10 - Nelson July 17 - Clinton July 24 - Byrd July 31 - Stabenaw September 25 - Wellstone October 2 - Clinton October 9 - Clinton October 16 - Edwards!!!!! October 23- Byrd October 30 - Bingaman November 13 - Murray November 27 - Jeffords December 4 - Stabenaw December 11 - Carnahan December 18 - Nelson A reward to whoever finds a Tuesday in 2002, 2003 or 2004 that Dick Cheney fulfilled his duties as President of the Senate here: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/crecord/index.html 2002 Tue 1/29 - Nelson Tue 2/5 - Kohl Tue 2/12 - Stabenow Tue 2/26 - Landrieu Tue 3/5 - Edwards Tue 3/12 - Landrieu Tue 3/19 - Miller Tue 4/9 - Cleland Tue 4/16 - Reed Tue 4/23 - Wellstone Tue 4/30 - Nelson Tue 5/7 - Miller Tue 5/14 - Cleland Tue 5/21 - Nelson Tue 6/4 - Durbin Tue 6/11 - Corzine Tue 6/18 - Dayton Tue 6/25 - Landrieu Tue 7/9 - Reed Tue 7/16 - Corzine Tue 7/23 - Reed Tue 7/30 - Clinton Tue 9/3 - Reed Tue 9/10 - Corzine Tue 9/17 - Reid Tue 9/24 - Stabenow Tue 10/1 - Miller Tue 10/8 - Miller Tue 10/15 - Reid Tue 11/12 - CHENEY! -- WE HAVE A WINNER! Tue 11/19 - Barkley (MN) 2003 Jan 7 *Cheney* Jan 14 Stevens Jan 22 Stevens Jan 28 Stevens Feb 4 Stevens Feb 11 Stevens Feb 25 Stevens Mar 4 Stevens Mar 11 Stevens Mar 18 Stevens Mar 25 Stevens Apr 1 Stevens Apr 8 Stevens Apr 29 Stevens May 6 Talent May 13 Ensign May 20 Alexander June 3 Stevens June 10 Stevens June 18 Murkowski June 24 Coleman July 8 Stevens July 15 Stevens July 22 Chaffee July 29 Stevens Sept 2 Stevens Sept 9 Stevens Sept 16 Stevens Sept 23 Stevens Sept 30 Sununu Oct 21 Stevens Oct 28 Stevens Nov 4 Stevens Nov 11 Warner Nov 18 Stevens Dec 9 Stevens 2004 1/20 - Stevens 1/27 - Enzi 2/3 - Stevens 2/10 - Stevens 3/2 - Stevens 3/9 - Hagel 3/16 - Sununu 3/23 - Stevens 3/30 - Ensign 4/6 - Cornyn 4/20 - Stevens 4/27 - Chambliss 5/4 - Stevens 5/11 - Stevens 5/18 - Stevens 6/1 - Stevens 6/8 - Hutchinson 6/15 - Stevens 6/22 - Allard 7/6 - Burns 7/13 - Stevens 7/20 - Enzi 9/7 - Stevens 9/14 - Chafee 9/21 - Enzi 9/28 - Stevens 10/05 - Stevens You will note Cheney and Edwards presided over the Senate for the exact same number of times.
  25. Mal_Con

    VP Debate

    Just make sure to use the site suggested by Cheney to find the truth http://www.factcheck.com
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