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Everything posted by Mal_Con

  1. Steam Tunnels at UW!
  2. Don't worry he is on a mission from God to incinerate the world
  3. Here is a post from a friend of mine if you find his axe post a pm. http://www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10135
  4. I have been in a whiteout on Muir and agree that this can happen very easily. I also have been up there in the middle of winter on skis and it was as much fun as I have ever had. The problem is you just cant tell. It is a great place for a GPS if you made atrack on the way up AND are walking AND check it every so often. On skis you can get off vey fast. There is no real shelter until you are at pan point and tents schred fast in a storm if you do not dig in. Just my opinion.
  5. Mal_Con

    Boycott Newsweek

    It's good news week, Someone's dropped a bomb somewhere, Contaminating atmosphere And blackening the sky, It's good news week, Someone's found a way to give, The rotting dead a will to live, Go on and never die. Have you heard the news? What did it say? Who's won that race? What's the weather like today? It's good news week, Families shake the need for gold, By stimulating birth control, We're wanting less to eat. It's good news week, Doctors finding many ways, Of wrapping brains in metal trays, To keep us from the heat. It's good news week, Someone's dropped a bomb somewhere, Contaminating atmosphere And blackening the sky, It's good news week, Someone's found a way to give, The rotting dead a will to live, Go on and never die. Have you heard the news? What did it say? Who's won that race? What's the weather like today? (what's the weather like today?) It's good news week, Families shake the need for gold, By stimulating birth control, We're wanting less to eat. It's good news week, Doctors finding many ways, Of wrapping brains in metal trays, To keep us from the heat. To keep us from the heat. To keep us from the heat. This is a song about how the media package and sell war to you. The metal tray refers to a battle injury head wound that results ina metal plate being put in a soldiers head to replace the destroyed cranium.
  6. You can also use the NG "Adventure Paper" for about $1 a sheet. It is like tevlar and has some chemical that binds to the ink making it waterproof. I only use it for places I am likely to go back to.
  7. Nice tely skiing on the glaciers thereabout trad Memorial Day trip, do not know about this year as usual access is out.
  8. In the old days which we seem to be heading back to the Wobblies used to nail a shoe up at a job site where they were striking as a warning that the gear might be sabatoged.
  9. "It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way."—Washington, D.C., April 28, 2005
  10. or Soap ala Fight Club!
  11. Fitzcarraldo?
  12. Tele ski at Kendall on Sat, Kids on Sun then run up Squak.
  13. Mal_Con

    The Pope?

    2 dth wtchs in a roe sux!
  14. Ever read her blog? Terris Blog Comments not work safe.
  15. ivil only requires 51% sure. Criminal "beyond a reasonable doubt" = 90%+ big difference. We still consider a loss of freedom to be more than mere $$$. Do not really know how long this will last with objectiest thought becoming the current trend.
  16. My opinion is the judge is no dummy. He will hold out on making an opinion until nature has run its course. The case will be moot and all these people can begin living again, or so I hope. To decide immediatly would only invite a series of appeals which would only increase pain for all.
  17. I fail to see what is the point in prolonging the misery for these people for an additiona couple years to wind through the appeals process. Isn't 15 years long enough? I had a similar thing happen with my mom and Alezheimer's, although she had a living will. She made me promise to shoot her if he ever became "like that" I had to break that promise for my family's sake. I cannot imagine what it would be like to havethe Federal Government interveene in such a private matter especially when they profess to getm the gov off yer back and uphold state rights. Interestingly, I say Bush signed a bill allowing hospitals to turn of resperators and feeding when the parient runs out of $$$. go figure For what is worth here is a link to the Washington Medical Associations Forms for a Durable Power of Attorney for Medical Care and a Directive to Physicians (Living Will).
  18. Panama Canal? It is too small for the tankers in use today
  19. Ernest Borgnine was in "The Wild Bunch", which wasn't too shabby.
  20. Not at all surprisingmost of the Alaska Oil already goes overseas, it is a commodity and priced by quality i.e. sweet crude is more expensive than that with a lot of sulphur and nd the cost of transportation. It would be idiotic to take Alaskan Oil round the horn to Gulf refineries.
  21. WTF, do you really expect?
  22. Mal_Con

    Box Wine

    The Aussie boxed wine at Costco is better than 2 buck chuck, but about the same price.
  23. As did Neils Anderson President of the UWCC
  24. Well that is why when i die... which could be any minute or so, i want to be burnt into ashes. I think that will just be rad! Now hopefully my head will come off in some terrible accident and never be recovered. Not as much as you may think Fuck I doubt I could even have an open casket hoe-down when i die. Costco Caskets
  25. I took the UW Climbing course in 69 or 70. It was only offered summer quarter. At that time about the only other course available was the Mounties who were still using Manila ropes for the Basic climbs, the more expensive Goldline being reserved for the Intermediates. The UW course was based on the M's and used Freedom 2nd edition as a text. We also climbed Baker by that route. There were several prominant NW Climbers on the staff at that time. It is a mistake to judge what happened then by current standards. This was not long after the Boy Scouts were leading troops of kids up Olympus with Pajama Bottoms for pants. You saw jeans quite often on alpine climbs but most people used surplus wool pants or old suit pants from GoodWill. When I was there boots were required along with crampons for glaciers. I rented some Lowas at the Alpine Hut at U Village and bad blisters for a month then bought some Rotandos at the down town REI for $25. Begining to sound like an old fart now. Things were very different then if you were a guy then you were subject to the draft and 55K were killed in Nam. Students were being shot at Kent State and other places. There were large bombings on the UW campus, so something like jeans on a climb did not seem very signifigant. I left in the summer of 72 and moved to Australia and was out of the country when these incidents took place so do not really know the facts but it seems that the person with the web site has some issues, WTF does Bill Gates have to do with this?
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