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Everything posted by Mal_Con

  1. True but still not as bad as crap or a really churned up trail with exotic weeds sprouting.
  2. My opinion is they should allow bikes where ever horsies are OK. Bikes don't tear up trails a much as steel shoes and bikers usually don't crap in the trail. What with cuts in FS budget WTA is about the only one maintaining them cept for BBTC.
  3. Elvis has signed more than one too.
  4. Mal_Con

    60 years ago

    I taught English in a lodge run by the Quakers in Hiroshima for a little while. The question of the bomb often came up. I asked anyone who would listenen if they had the bomb would they drop it on the US? The answer was always , Yes!!. I had an uncle who was headed there on a roop ship in late 1945, he always said the bomb enabled him to have a life, family and children. The answer who knows?
  5. My experience was that it is extremely dependant upon which troop you get into. The one I was in sucked (master later turned out to be a perve) friends were in other ones and had a great time. In the old days they were great FA of Constance was by scout leaders they used to do Olympus and many CC routes were first done by scouts from Parsons. In the 60's they tried to be "relevant and urban" that sucked. Now it seems the bible thumbers have taken over, that sucks too. In time hopefully, things will go back.
  6. A sign of the coming rapture.
  7. Hell's Belles in Nam we used to require a pair of ears for a proper body count. Usually if they were dead they wereassumed to be VC, including water buff or kids. Seems we are headed down the same track in Iraq.
  8. Martins are in the weasel/skun family and foxs in the dog family Martins smell kind of like skunks but not as strong.
  9. Guess thats what happens if you have a Texans Poodle for PM nice to see all you guys who we so quick to cheer it
  10. His words have been reprinted throughout the mideast as the opinion of the US Congress, you can count on that.
  11. Potential Supreme Court Nominee?
  12. You are right there must be an edge or else it is not worth doing, but it can also be an edge if you are luring your larve up somthing they could not imagine doing.
  13. There is no real difference, you cannot say anyone committed a crime until they are convicted, and maybe not even then
  14. Easy, he can just pardon Rove and Libby and they will never be "convicted" just like papa did in Iran/Contra.
  15. Mal_Con

    Game Over!

    It does not realy matter where the info comes from. I am just as much at fault if I steal the shape of charges to provide a symetrical implosion orif I derive them myself. It is the act of disclosining them not the derivation which is signifignant. Similarly it does not matter ifI devine, steal or recive the idenity of a covert operator, it is the disclosure which is operative.
  16. All I remember was som steep wet dirt getting off Elinor that gets your feet wet.
  17. I would like to thank every one here for this discussion. Last night I was with a group of friends on Red Mountain the notorious choss pile above Commonwealth Basin. I had brought an old MSR helmet bought at a grage sale for a couple bucks. On the descent a member of our party kicked loose a cantalope sized rock. I headed for anoverhang when I heard the cry but unfortunatly the rock followed my dodge like one of the knives from House of Flying Daggers. It hit square on top of the helmet leaving ascratch but not much more. If it were not for this discussion I might not be here.
  18. How about getting a good workout in a beautiful place with people you trust and respect.
  19. Ditto in the Sierra, there it was usually hikers caught in an early snow storm at high elevation.
  20. What got me was the beyotch on the Today show going on and on about how this was a "senseless killing". Seems tone it makes perfect sensse, from the right we are in a war against "terrorism" and killing is what happens in wars. From the left it is just someone striking back for invaiding their homeland and killing their people. Evil maybe, but not senseless.
  21. I was up there last Thursday night. It is class 2-3 big holds with considerable exposure for the first 50' of elevation gain then it is a scramble path. There are a series of pipes on the top of the ridge cut off to 6" or so. If you can do the haystack at Si it should not be a problem. I have never seen it belayed. It looks scary to a beginer at the start though.
  22. Mal_Con

    Bush on TV

    Same old same old
  23. I agree the decision is terrible and may well signal the death of Private Property Rights for all but the wealthy and/or well connected politically. I do not believe that it is a liberal v. conservative decision however. Several of the justices were appointed by repubs. Unfortunatly, there is no appeal and it is very unlikly that a Constitutional Amendment would ever pass Congress let alone the states as they are all leeches dependant upon contributions from developers and the like.
  24. huh? Yeah they goo to every building and can be accessed (or used to be) by rapping down a manhole cover and schooching around some barriers. They are the big grates you see around campus. We used to use headlamps to avoid drawing attention. It is probably dangerous and stupid.
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