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Everything posted by Mal_Con

  1. In the late 60's REI used to still sell Manila rope for fixed lines but I never heard of anyone using it.
  2. Hells Belles my youngest rapped down the U cord Mom hated it cause she wore crampons. I started in 68 the pleistosene epic
  3. Tahoma was nice last year but could be kind of icy this year by then, but what won't be?
  4. Anything by Beyonce
  5. Mal_Con

    new word

    Lilly von Schtupp: I'm tired of men always coming and going, going and coming and always too soon! Vat am I, a rabbit? Blazing Saddles always a classic
  6. The truth of the matter is the economy (sic) has already tanked. We are no where near 2000 levels esp accounting for inflation after 5 years with not much improvement in sight. We have fost our edge in R&D to Europe and Asia which bodes ill. The biggest planes now come from Airbus not Boeing or Hughes and it is Europe that made the probe on Titan not NASA and Japan is more likely to have the first moon base.
  7. Just got back from Cabo. There is a lot of fun boldering and some nice granite around Lovers Beach. Some outfitters go there but it doese not seem necessary. Also so nice cliffs visible from the aeroporto, do not have the slightest idea of how to get there, though.
  8. I have been over Bishop Pass on skis and it is a pretty easy ascent. There are some places where you traverse around lakes that could be dicy avy conditions. From the top it is a nice ski down Dusey Basin though you would run out of snow likely before hitting the JMT. You can also head out on the SHR over Pickhandle Pass and access the back side of the Palisades.
  9. At high altitude all I get with a canister stove is a weak blue flame, that means CO
  10. You are comparing apples to Canadians. What she did was aginst the rules of her profession and a violation of the courts order and law. She was rightfully prosecuted for that. People could have died. In this case the speech is a weapon. I do not see anything the prof said as violating the law or his conditions of employment. It was stupid perhaps but that is all. His speech though lame and offensive hurt nobody.
  11. There used to be a bolt ladder inside of one of the spiral ramps at Huskey Stadium, do not know if it is still there.
  12. It also was @6AM i.e. still dark out,tres Darwin.
  13. Mal_Con

    Bush Budget

    It is all clear when he explains it! "Because the—all which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers. For example, how benefits are calculate, for example, is on the table; whether or not benefits rise based upon wage increases or price increases. There's a series of parts of the formula that are being considered. And when you couple that, those different cost drivers, affecting those—changing those with personal accounts, the idea is to get what has been promised more likely to be—or closer delivered to what has been promised. Does that make any sense to you? It's kind of muddled. Look, there's a series of things that cause the—like, for example, benefits are calculated based upon the increase of wages, as opposed to the increase of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate—the benefits will rise based upon inflation, as opposed to wage increases. There is a reform that would help solve the red if that were put into effect. In other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the promised benefits grow, if those—if that growth is affected, it will help on the red."—Explaining his plan to save Social Security, Tampa, Fla., Feb. 4, 2005
  14. Mal_Con

    Bush Budget

    Hey, they have it on high authority that Armageddon will occur soon with the nuckular war between Israel and Iran any way so why bother with things like SS or conservation?
  15. Most all go. Depends on what you like. Revord Lakes good for fish but has a bit of a path. Never could gigue out Black peak. The ones near Holden are more like rough hikes.
  16. In part but it is really a wormhole diagram with the matter being spit out at the bottom
  17. Mal_Con

    Dirtbag Tm?

    They can only get 3x or atty fees for TM if the infringement is willful i.e. you keep on selling after they warn you. Copyright infringement needs them to show you copied them, unlikely because dirtbag has been in use to describe limbers since at least Warren Harding cir. 1970. I should know cause its my day job.
  18. Mal_Con


    I will loan him a pistol
  19. Yes Yes No No
  20. Funny thang is those Catholic Private Schools also teach evilution.
  21. Went up tonight to check out our investment in a season pass. With another foot or so it will be all the way up to mediorce. Quite a few rocks on the top but, it still beats stayin home with a litre of MD .
  22. Gee now we won't get to teach creationism in the schools dino needs the
  23. Crystal opens Saturday
  24. They also have preferential voting, you number your ballot according toyou preference. If no party gets 505 they count the 2nd preferences and so on. Of course, the parties long ago learned how to game the system and print up ballots with suggested numbering so that your 2nd prefence goes to some finge party and not their major opponent. Many people cast an informal ballot just numbering them from top down, gives a big advantage to being on top.
  25. Proof? I have neve heard of this procedure use on a regular basis or least of all for population control. I would change my opinion if it was.
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