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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. There's partial transcript at cnn.com
  2. Mild Bush-isms from the debate ...not too bad for a chronic mush-mouth (mushy brains if you ask me...):
  3. Hey Beckey...only climbers are allowed on this site.
  4. Holy schiznit. I heard Jack is the looonnnngest climb in the world. From your TR it doesn't sound that bad... funny how impressions of things build up in your mind.
  5. ..and for when you're stoned after dinner and want to goof around. I value a leave no trace standard for wilderness.
  6. Hunted silvers on the Queets. Buddy released 2 cutts --I got skunked.
  7. One little-visited area I'd like to get into is Snowking. Difficult access...easy climb. I've heard it's quite beautiful and featurey in there with lots of small lakes and zen meadows. But I never went there when I worked for the NPS because it's outside the park.
  8. OMFG I can't believe I read all this! Do people really have this much to say about this? It would suck to be banned. Those folks seemed to relish participating on cc.com, so they probably felt a loss when they got banned, GotdamnI'myoung's vituperative rants aside (I just wanted to use the word vituperative. I hope I didn't screw that up!)
  9. I grew up in Richmond, 90 miles S of DC, back in the 60's and 70's. Hiking is good in Shenandoah NP. Seneca rocks. Smallmouth bass fishing in the rivers. The Outer Banks!! Especially Hatteras Island and Ocracoke.
  10. You mean FEWER people out on the trails... You're confusing count and amount.
  11. You mean, more people and FEWER guides. By using "less" you are confusing count and amount.
  12. NW Buttress on Adams is a great route. I did it with a bunch of Rainier seasonal rangers back in the early 80's when I was digging ditch for the NPS between Nisqually Entrance and Longmire. We bivied in a beautiful meadow ...I think it was called Elysian Field or something. Only bummer was on the way out we ran into some snowmobies that were trespassing in the wilderness. Resort??? Bad idea.
  13. What you have there is known as an LBM, which stands for "Little Brown Mushroom". Throw it away.
  14. I worked as a climbing ranger in NOCA for ten years. Didn't see it all, but quite a bit. Wild? There's the Bacon Rim Traverse from Watson Lakes to Thornton Lakes via Bacon Peak, Green and Berdeen Lakes, Despair, and Triumph. If you ever get in there, note the rock walls NW and N of Berdeen Lake ...tucked into the little valley N of the unnamed peak NNW of Berdeen Lake. Take fly rod... Another remote traverse is Prophet Ridge from Big Beaver to Beaver Pass via Mt. Prophet and Skymo and No Name Lakes. Even if someone sees me write about these locales here, I'm not worried about over use really. If you can get to these places, you deserve to be there. I throw down the gauntlet.
  15. The exit cracks aren't hard to protect!?
  16. You're not chicken. If it's in the right shape, no belay needed. It's steep but the angle doesn't change.
  17. Skeezix

    Gun question

    You mean not all law enforcement agencies want the ban to continue.
  18. Skeezix


    I'm voting w/ GD ...for JK
  19. These storms are tragic, and I regret the loss of life and property. Having said that, I love big weather. I have long had a desire to ride out a hurricane from a secure spot in the path. One of the things I like about the Northwest is our fall/early winter sou'easters that blow and pour. Now that I'm living out here in Taholah, I'm looking forward to doing some storm-watching this winter. Beach Logs Kill!
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