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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Sure. Bush keeps Osama in business. Osama was totally condescending to Bush, and Americans in general,in the pre-election video. He was lecturing us! Meanwhile, we're wrapped up in Fallujah. Osama's laughing.
  2. Ry Cooder sucked in Buena Vista Social Club. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm a huge Ry Cooder fan, and I like his world music tribute albums, but his slide playing just didn't compliment what the Cuban musicians were doing. And it felt like the Cubans were humoring the gringo that was reviving their careers (late). Am I crazy, or did others feel that way too?
  3. Oh. And go to Manning Provincial Park. Catch the shuttle bus up the valley and skate back down to the lodge. Repeat.
  4. Get Akers Ski sale catalog. They're in Maine. Their regular catalog is issued every Fall ...their sale catalog comes out soon after. They sell top gear that is one or two years old (new stuff -not used). Buy skate skiis -NOT cross or hybrid skiis advertised to allow you to skate or ski classic. Don't go cheap on boots. Plan to spend over $100 on poles. They need to be STIFF. Fiberglass no good. The more you spend, the more carbonfiber content you get. Get a book or video on waxing and build a waxing tools set w/ brushes and even rillers for structuring your bases. Get a pair of elastic thera bands,attach them to an anchor in front of you about chest high. Grab the ends, back away, then pull toward you and down to the sides of your waist while bending forward at the waist. Keep your elbows and knees bent. Repeat 100x/day.
  5. Have you ever been to the Outer Banks of North Carolina? I'm not ready to give that away.
  6. With the shift of the south from conservative dem to conservative repub, the dems may be mortally wounded.
  7. I think we should build a Green Party from the bottom up, with candidates at local and state levels --not start with some Nader spoiler presidential candidate. Please discuss.
  8. Skeezix

    Democrats Suck

    Is Larouche still in prison?
  9. Bush will win the war on terror. Bush will bring freedom and democracy to the middle east, and they'll thank him for it. Bush will smoke Bin laden out and get him on the run ...out in the open. Bush will jump start the economy with tax cuts for the top 10%. Bush will deliver lots of living-wage jobs to Ohio. Bush will continue to be a uniter --not a divider. Bush will not use ideological litmus tests for his judge appointments. And I have a bridge I'll sell you in Brooklyn.
  10. dryad - thank you for articulating what i've been feeling all day. i mean, i've always been aware that my personal political beliefs are more "progressive" (or whatever) than the majority, but i've sustained myself with the feeling that i was just ahead of the curve... and after last night, i realize that, no, actually, i'm moving in the opposite direction from the "average" america, and i'm starting to despair of ever having a government that represents anything approaching my values. the majority of people in this country looked at the last four years and decided they wanted more. it makes me want to cry. I agree. I think it's from watching too much TV. It makes one stupid.
  11. I enlisted in 1975 and ended up teaching rock climbing ("adventure training")in Leavenworth for the 9th Division in 1977. We also taught skiing at Crystal and led ski mountaineering parties in to Grand Park at Rainier N.P. and bivied in snow caves. We even guided an infantry company from Ft. Lewis up the S. side of Baker. Then I got sent over to Germany to teach skiing in the Bavarian Alps at Garmisch. I saw the Mahre twins compete in a World Cup race there. Our motto was "We ski to keep America free!" Skiing and hashish! Wheeeeeeee!! In between mountain gigs (Special Duty Assignments) I was an 11Charlie 81mm mortar crewman in the Infantry. Fuck Iraq!
  12. More people have died as a result of our invasion of Iraq than were killed on 9/11. "I'm a uniter, not a divider" --G.W. Bush, 2000 campaign
  13. I grew up in Virginia. I don't live there anymore. An it ain't just the geography ...there's a mindset issue too.
  14. And his instincts have chronically failed him. "Fuck the lengthy briefing -- my instincts tell me that Sadaam has WMDs!"
  15. Scott, before you start a thread based on a link to Fox news, do your homework.
  16. Eugenecists! You keep nice company, Ace.
  17. Skeezix

    Election Day Voting

    Libertarians walk on the don't walk light.
  18. Go troll somebody else ...ace
  19. Fox News? Vdare.com? Facts? Gimme a break. You're the moron to buy the HC that Fox news is peddling.
  20. Kerry's smarter. The average dolt on the street is smarter than Bush. It's not just his mispronunciation of words, it's his inability to put thoughts together. A man's speech is a window on his intellect, and Bush bumble's off script. He's simple minded. And his political thinking is wrong as well. Bush is a puppet of the priviliged. He's an anti-environmentalist. He totally blew the Republican's opportunity to prove they could govern.
  21. Skeezix

    Election Day Voting

    I read every word of that.
  22. Went fishin. Fretted about the election.
  23. I , too, vote policy, not party. The republicans are always wrong. The democrats are generally less wrong. Biggest issue? The environment. Specifically the lack of leadership vision regarding the necessity to move from an economy of consumption to one based on sustainability. This is the most important issue facing our species, and it's not even part of the debate.
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