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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Internet works great. You can get absentee ballot status too. I voted today! For Kerry ...and Judith Billings, by the way, for SPI.
  2. Friday night: Help crown homecoming royalty at Taholah football game. Saturday: Hunting silvers in the Moclips River and Joe Creek. Saturday night: Chaperoning homecoming dance. Sunday: School improvement planning.
  3. Well, yes Fairblather, I am enlightened. I achieved nirvana in 1975 when I walked out the front door of the reception center at Ft. Lewis and saw Mt. Rainier looming over the Army airfield to the southwest. But I live in Grays Harbor County (Taholah), and nobody has made your case, least of all you.
  4. Thing is, Fairweather, counties don't vote --people do, and those counties are where the people live. (The enlightened people, anyway...)
  5. Skeezix


    I had the same problem with the cut and buffer. How frustrating is that? Bush sounded like the moron he is. How about the extended hoot response?? Hooooooooo!!!!
  6. The dog picture is perfect ...saint-like. I like the spacing, you have to scroll down to see the dog's signature. That's damn funny!
  7. "Animals are dying to make room for your fat ass!"
  8. BC is outstanding, but that fact doesn't diminish Washington.
  9. JWCT ...Jesus would climb trad.
  10. Skeezix

    School Bus!

    I didn't think it was that great. Plus I was listening to NPR analyze how stupid Bush is, and "School Buzz" just started playing right over it... Overload!
  11. All her slings have wwjd embroidered into them... ...or is it WWJC?
  12. Being president is hard work. Rushing to war is hard work. Deliberately misleading the American people is certainly hard work!
  13. Soooo...the sanctions worked. Part of Cheney's response was that "delay, defer, wait, wasn't an option." I'll bet the families of soldiers who have died would take issue with the administration's unwillingness to wait, since there was no immediate threat.
  14. Difference between Bush and a post turtle is that bush wants to be up there. Bush is a (ill-suited) mouthpiece for the man.
  15. Skeezix

    Test post

    Supergreg is da man! Check out Travitron's home site.
  16. The question was about intelligence and experience. Clinton was a Rhodes scholar. He was a policy wonk who could cite obscure details smooth as Martin Sheen. Bush is swimming in the intellectual shallow end. No, wait...he's floundering! Cheney --throw him a life ring!
  17. Skeezix

    Round 2

    I'm gonna drink every time Bush says something stupid. Wait a minute ...oh no, ALCOHOL POISONING!!!!
  18. Thing is, when someone opens his mouth to speak, a window into his brain opens up. That's how we know that Bush is not very bright, and ability to think on one's feet is an important trait in a president
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