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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Skeezix

    Gary Yngve?

    Hey. Laika and the Cosmonauts were just on NPR the other day...
  2. I heard some analysis that Reagan being in the news will help Bush. Seems like all the lionization of the Gipper would make Shrub look pathetic in comparison ...especially since Reagan was known as a man who could at least speak competently. Please discuss.
  3. ClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrack ClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrack ClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrack ClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrack ClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrack ClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrack ClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrackClassicCrack
  4. Whoa, Scott ...we were still on the civil level. You descend so quickly to the level of name calling. I argue that most people think of the term impeach as "to remove from office". I have no more evidence to back this assertion up than you have to back up your assertion that "the goverment uses the term in this sense means to have charges brought up against.." I am neither stupid, nor a dumbass. The right tried to impeach Clinton --to remove him from office-- but, like in so many other instances, they were impotent. Oh, and it's government ...not "goverment."
  5. How come you have two 1's and two 2's there? Main Entry: 1im·peach Pronunciation: im-'pEch Function: transitive verb Etymology: Middle English empechen, from Middle French empeechier to hinder, from Late Latin impedicare to fetter, from Latin in- + pedica fetter, from ped-, pes foot -- more at FOOT 1 a : to bring an accusation against b : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office 2 : to cast doubt on; especially : to challenge the credibility or validity of <impeach the testimony of a witness> 3 : to remove from office especially for misconduct - im·peach·able /-'pE-ch&-b&l/ adjective - im·peach·ment /-'pEch-m&nt/ noun
  6. He was impeached in the sense of being charged, but he was not impeached in the sense of "to remove from office."
  7. Unless, of course, you use the definition "to remove from office." I think when we speak of impeaching a gov't official in this country, most people think of it in the sense of "to remove from office." Therefore, Clinton was not impeached. He served out his full two terms in office.
  8. OK, I looked up "impeach" (Merriam Webster site), and it can mean either "to bring charges against" OR "to remove from office." So, depending on which definition you're using, Clinton either was or was not impeached. The articles of impeachment against him failed to pass. Of course, the original thread was about the Bush Admin. torture memo. It's the blunder of the day for this administration.
  9. NE Butt Goode is a cool climb ...then you could go up and do Logan. You could climb NE Face of REdoubt and then hike the Redoubt High Route to Whatcom Pass to exit.
  10. Didn't impeachment attempt against Clinton fail?
  11. FT, you're really coming up short in the logical argument department. As soon as you lose on one point, you jump to another weak effort. Your comparison of Kerry and Bush's war service (or lack thereof) especially sounds like spin of the desperate sort. As to your last gasp --so what? There's vets that lean left and support Kerry and there's vets, like SBVAK, that lean right and criticize Kerry. And make up your mind, sometimes you criticize others for unsupported rejoinders, then you let fly with your own: Is that the best you can do? Weak.
  12. Skeezix

    Why we die

    Don't fear the reaper...ngh...ngh...ngh.
  13. I went into the Cirque of the Towers around July 1. The Forest Service lady in Pinedale said there would be tons of snow ...postholing, etc. There was no snow. Lots of mosquitoes. Cirque of the Towers
  14. Skeezix

    end of an ERROR

    Golly no, Mr. Fairweather, you said free speech. Sorry ...didn't mean to upset you so much. I guess I'm a kooky asswipe! You sure put me in my place!!
  15. Fairly common. Good luck on your part to see one. I'd like to see a griz in NOCA. I've seen a cougar once. It was standing on the deck outside my cabin in Marblemount. I stepped out through the screen door and was then about eight feet from it. It looked at me, hopped down off the deck, and walked down through the brush along the river bank. What struck me was how small his head was in relation to his body, and how long his tail was (as long as his body). I think my best sighting, though, was a fisher in Bridge Creek. It was walking a log and was suddenly attacked by yellowjackets. Did a wild dance on that log before running off.
  16. Skeezix

    end of an ERROR

    Banning is closer to censorship. Ignoring, on the other hand, is a personal choice ...therefore NOT censorship. Get it, Fairweather?
  17. Did they let LaRouche out of prison? And Bush "crippled al-Qaida?" Uhhh... that's not what I heard.
  18. I've never heard of a sighting or evidence since the last Griz shot in Fisher Basin in 1968.
  19. FT, your links assert that Kerry talked to the Vietnamese in Paris. I'm glad he did. I hope his actions helped shorten or end the war. I don't, however, see any clear proof in your links that Kerry had I think Kerry's heroic behavior in combat in Vietnam gave him a right to criticize the war. You still haven't demonstrated any substance to your charge of "aiding and abetting."
  20. I don't know what you're referring to.
  21. Distel. Were you bouldering off Chuckanut Drive Friday? I dug clams Friday. Went for a run today. Bought a new Timex watch and a Wiffle Ball bat.
  22. So what? They can thank all the protestors they want. I protested the Vietnam war too. I admire Kerry for protesting it. Popular consensus is that we were wrong to carry on the Vietnam war as long as we did. President Johnson knew he was wrong to continue it, but couldn't figure out a way out. I can't make the leap with you that Kerry "aided and abetted." He served heroically in combat in Vietnam. When he came back, he worked within the system (by testifying before a Congressional committee) to help America come to terms with Vietnam.
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