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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Knee surgery in Bellingham thursday. Drove to Taholah Saturday. Sunday plugged Gibson lap steel guitar into a Fender Vibro Champ and played "Look So Good." Sunday afternoon went for a limp on the beach.
  2. Boom-jiggy, boom-jiggy, boom, boom, boom.
  3. Late breakfast in Bham, drove to Taholah. Sunday, rain in Taholah. Went swimming w/ the sons at the Ocean Crest.
  4. There's a range of responses from old-school evil eye blame junior to blame the principal. I've only been a principal since July. All the discipline work is a pain in the crash pad. I wish I had an assistant to foist it off on so that I could focus on improving instruction. I know one thing, though. The last thing you want as a principal is to see your name in a negative news article like the one above. I frequently tell kids to stop horseplay and running around in the building. Prevents crashes. Another thing is that you always want to hear the other side of the story. Kids are masters at spinning what happened at school...
  5. Well I AM a school principal, and I don't think there's enough information in the article to determine whether the principal was justified in the disciplinary action are not. If she was told by school staff to knock it off, why didn't she knock it off? Maybe she was cartwheeling through crowded hallways or the cafeteria... There just isn't enough information in the article to support armchair quarterbacking.
  6. Skeezix

    Ashcroft Resigns

    This news made my day. It was always wierd to hear him on NPR, because his voice always sounded wrong for his look...
  7. Then go back inside and wipe the rain off your glasses...
  8. Skeezix

    Where's The Love?

    All together now... All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need.
  9. Whoa is me! I go to see an orthopod on Friday to schedule surgery to repair a torn medial meniscus on my left knee. Not much skiing for me for a while!
  10. Why is he grumpy? Bush won.
  11. Well, Shrub can't talk. Besides, Kennedy probably didn't just utter that. I'm guessing it was composed by a speechwriter. The best W can do is "I'm a uniter, not a divider." And in the case of that statement, like many of his statements nothing could be further from the truth.
  12. Skeezix


    Maryland changed.
  13. I guess I agree that cheaper poles will work fine. But if you're tall, your poles are going to be lonnnng, and you don't want them to flex too much, which fiberglass tends to do. Skating is very upper body. Those muscles on the other side of your upper arm from your biceps, the ones coming down on the inside below your armpits, are going to be in knots at the end of a day of skating. And if you are a guy, get a pair of those briefs with a nylon patch in front of your little buddy, or that sucker will freeze solid and break off! Ouch. Skating is the best, tho' It's like flying. When you get in favorable conditions in a courderoy track... it's a great dance.
  14. I smell a Martlet. Bait and attack - hit below the belt. Get the nasty little insulting dig in. You don't have any real friends, do you?
  15. Pros: College town with tons of culture, beautiful setting with parks, San Juan Islands, boating, 50 minutes to the lifts at Baker, weather is fair -less rain than Olympia due to rain shadow effect of Olympics, easy commute up the Skagit Valley for climbing and steelhead fly fishing, midway approx. between Seattle and Vancouver, pleasant downtown core recovering from development of mall on outskirts, respectable folk and rock music scene, two indoor climbing gyms (one low and wide, one tall and narrow...), huge mountain and road biking scene, excellent public school system. Cons: growing pains, Meridian Street traffic, ugly waterfront, expensive home prices (sellers' market), quite a few thugs and cro-magnons loitering on Railroad Avenue downtown, jobs can be scarce, Bush is president.
  16. Skeezix


    Journalistic war correspondence is still the ultimate adventure in the field. I don't know exactly what to compare it to. This particular opportunity sounds like an invitation for someone with a death wish. The "insurgents" will "protect" the imbedded journalists. The Americans are using 1000 lb bombs. I mean, Leica cameras are sturdy and all, but...
  17. Skeezix

    The American Taliban

    Sheesh...Martlet's back. Still needs a new personality though...
  18. Skeezix

    The American Taliban

    What's with the annoying, in-your-face sig??
  19. On another forum Scott Harpell said he voted against Bush.
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