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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. This thread lifts me right out of my chair...
  2. rockclimbing:alpinism::playing catch:baseball
  3. No Trader Joes in Bellingham
  4. That's a pattern with you.
  5. Didn't I hear reports that we killed some detainees as well as piling them up nekked?
  6. This is a big deal. The relationship between church and state is one of the big issues why united we don't stand in the U.S. In Washington State, schools are required to lead the pledge every day. That means either teachers in the classroom, or someone leading it over the P.A. for the whole school. The US Supreme Court ruled that students don't have to recite it, but they may not be disruptive during the ritual. The Supreme Court dodged it this time, but it will be back. My view: change state law so schools don't say it every day, because it becomes rote, routine, and meaningless. Also, why pledge allegiance to the flag? OK, it's a symbol, but why not say "I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, etc...?" And I'm for separation of Church and State, as in the Constitution. Religion plays a legitimate role, because what would life be like without mythology? But nobody's voodoo is governing me! I don't have a problem with today's ruling.
  7. Hemp for pulp. Dru can smoke the leaves.
  8. Lay had Bush on speed dial ...and now we have recordings of Enron brokers chortling with gluttonous glee as they admit to ripping off grandma. Bush's response? --Lower Ken Lay's taxes!
  9. Cheney earlier claimed that only "senior Pentagon procurement officials" were involved in gifting no-bid contracts to scandal-plagued Halliburton, his former company. Turns out Cheney lied (surprise!!). The story being widely reported today (this from Australian newspaper The Age)is: This new evidence of the corruption of Bush's administration should come as no surprise to anyone...
  10. Skeezix

    Smoking Bans

    Not the same. They don't make you stink like tobacco does, they don't make you ugly (you know, that sickly wrinkly yellow complexion of the hardcore lifer smoker), they're not as risky, and they return more pleasure for the cost(risk). Smoking tobacco doesn't make sense. People start when they're young and want to look cool, then they get addicted. Smokers are fooling themselves if they argue that they like it.
  11. Things are looking grim for Paul Martin too. Something about millions of dollars in Canadian taxpayers' money going unaccounted for on his watch. (Equivalent of $120 US)
  12. I agree that Americans probably don't care what the Brits think. I take some comfort that folks on the continent oppose the war since I share that viewpoint. But Blair hitched his wagon to Bush's and that will be Blair's downfall. I'm a little nervous about predicting Bush's fall in November. Martlet (in his(her) various incarnations), Harpell, Fairweather, and company have been conspicuously quiet as far as prognosticating re the outcome of the election as well I've noticed, launching rather pathetic attacks(Martlet) on Kerry instead , which I take as nervousness. Maybe even lack of confidence. So I remain cautiously optomistic that Bush is going to be voted out. And won't that be a happy day. Time out for a euphoric reverie, imagining the day after election day with Bush going down in flames.
  13. And another problem is that climber/nature boys (like me) want a place in the mountains, so we buy a lot in Chumstick or Plain and slap in a cabin and expect protection from the occasional wildfire. My in-laws just bought a place in Colorado ...and I'm looking at the pictures thinking "fuel."
  14. Skeezix

    Smoking Bans

    I can't help it ...and I apologize for sounding like an arrogant prick... but I just have strong feelings about people who smoke --now that we know better. It's kind of like people that choose to drive with their seat belt unbuckled. There is also a social cost in medical care for all the morons that still smoke. I am admittedly judgemental on this topic, but I'm willing to stick to my position. I don't hate you if you smoke. I think you stink. I wish you'd wake up and quit smoking tobacco. Call me names if you want.
  15. Of course, the Iraqi people were afraid to speak out because they were afraid of Saddam. That doesn't excuse the Arab community. Maybe the Iraqi people and the Arab community are better at the war of words and ideas than we are. More disciplined at staying "on message" and manipulating the media. The timeliness of this post seems lost, however, as the president has already apologized... And the prisoner abuse thing is fading fast --the handover of power is the story of the day now.
  16. Skeezix

    amusing list

    Oh, I grokked the Freedom21 website just fine. They're your basic property rights activists who resent excessive gov't regulation to protect the environment. Their approach is to promote education regarding American Freedoms (as they define them...).
  17. Skeezix

    Massage Schools

    Mallard Ice Cream in Bellingham.
  18. Skeezix

    Smoking Bans

    Im sure if you met me you would make an exception. You're probably a very nice person, but I suspect many non-smokers think the same thing about smokers:
  19. Skeezix

    amusing list

    Apparently, it's the communists that want to reopen the Dosewallips road! And the red bastards want to promote biodiversity in the bargain!! Oh no!!!
  20. Skeezix

    Smoking Bans

    Knowing what we know about the health effects of tobacco smoke, anyone who smokes today is either stupid or pathetic ...because they're addicted and can't quit. Smoking is expensive, it makes you stink, it makes you ugly (when you get that smoker's face...) it makes you part of the loser class. I still see parents driving in their cars smoking with the windows rolled up and a little baby in the car seat in back. I smoked for two or three years about thirty years ago, then I got into climbing and the smoking went away. What little pleasure or stimulation you may get from smoking tobacco ain't worth it. I suggest you quit smoking. Fuck the ban.
  21. What are SPDs and DIAs?
  22. 1. NWFace Forbidden 2. NWFace of the N Ridge of Forbidden 3. N Face of Sharkfin Tower
  23. Libertarians ...they're the guys that walk on the Don't Walk signal.
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