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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Skeezix

    Big News

    No more Foulblather!?
  2. Skeezix

    How I Feel Today

    This is a great thread ....I'm glad I read it!
  3. Skeezix

    Photo Caption?

    Is that a long pointy sheath on your penis, or are you just happy to see me?
  4. Put "The Weeping Camel" in your Netflix queue. Beautiful documentary about a Mongolian family and their... camels and all. Recommended. Nice photos Distel. Way to score the exotic horizon-broadening life experience.
  5. Uh oh, funk? I'm sunk! Too much chunk in my trunk.
  6. You can traverse over to Bouck Lake from up there. Oops --too much snow now.
  7. Nice avatar, Arch. Looks kinda religous to me...
  8. Here's how it works: Every Sunday morning while everybody else goes to church, you go for a hike with your family. Last Sunday I hiked up the Little River Trail. Week before that we hiked up the Graywolf Trail. Week before that we hiked the Heart of the Forest Trail and collected Chanterelles. Saw a cougar scratch pile on the trail. The other day we saw a pheasant a couple blocks from our house.
  9. Skeezix

    hybrid cars

    I need to buy a gas hog beater pickup for $1000 so I can buy a boat on a trailer and tow it down to the straits and back. Maybe I'll try to find a diesel pickup so I can be cool and use biodiesel. I think it's in the cards for me ...after all, I'm an ex-greener.
  10. Skeezix

    hybrid cars

    What does TDI stand for?
  11. Skeezix


    Rap sucks. I can listen to some trip hop though.
  12. Automatic Handwringing is the one that's been plaguing me all these years!
  13. Skeezix

    Worst Haircut Ever?

    It's not the quality of the haircut, it's the attitude with which one wears it...
  14. Name the banjo player depicted in my new avatar.
  15. Eight republican school board members in Dover, PA who supported Intelligent Design in the schools' science curriculum got voted out last Tuesday in a clean sweep by democrats.
  16. Bush - We don't torture, and we don't want any restrictions on our right to torture. Does that mean we can't torture, but we want to torture? How can people listen to this crap and not even blink?
  17. pasta pesto smoked salmon toasted pine nuts freshly grated parmesan baguette
  18. Early Morning Spire - It might be quicker to approach via Hidden Lakes Trail Sibley Pass-Triad traverse. Hop over the col between the Triad and Eldo and traverse over to EMS.
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