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Everything posted by archenemy

  1. Been climbing in spite of the old peg leg. Going to get metal removed after summer so that I can ski next year. After that, I am going to kick your ass just for fun.
  2. Isn't that Inuit for Clapping Funt?
  3. Mildly titilated.
  4. Are you stalking me?
  5. Can I just say that reading a thread with guys discussing how using the female gender as a derogatory term is unacceptable brings a tear to my eye? Warms the cockles of my fucking heart.
  6. The great thing about climbing is that everyone can suck at their own level.
  7. Yeah, both those things point to old age, don't they? It is a high price to pay for maturity, isn't it?
  8. What he said.
  9. Anyone here ever go through dynamic or static splinting for ROM work on an injury? Gimme details. Thanks!
  10. If you have not seen "The Cove", stop reading this thread and do it.
  11. I been charged at by one at the top of Orbit. I never thought I could make descents quickly or efficiently. Now I realize that with the proper motivation, I can set records.
  12. archenemy

    prop 1107

    We are allowed to buy our soda and bottled water without being taxed. It's in the Constitution.
  13. thought provoking
  14. the thread that won't die
  15. archenemy


    Neurosis rocks. Love old dudes who can still get it on. But you don't have to wait til December for old farts... Tryptycon at El Corazon in two days...
  16. yeah, but everyone deserves the joy of divorce.
  17. On it!!! THank you for the good report--I am excited to get the fuck outta work and go play
  18. Has anyone been to him for ankle problems? What was your experience? Would you recommend him? Thanks!
  19. I think you get the trophy for saying "fuckstick". You are my hero.
  20. archenemy

    fucking idiots

    And leave your payment on the dresser.
  21. archenemy

    fucking idiots

    By that logic, torture is okay.
  22. archenemy

    Exit 38 today?

    Anyone know if E38 is dry today? I am posting this in spray because it is way too embarrassing to ask this question in a real forum; but I do actually want to know what the conditions of this world-class climbing destination for today. Thanks.
  23. archenemy


    I am terribly jealous.
  24. A "trip lever"? Where the hell you gonna go with a shitter attached to your ass?
  25. I can't wait to see it. I love horror movies. The last one that had an original story and excellent filming was "Feed". Holy Twinkies that was good.
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