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Everything posted by archenemy

  1. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    We are not talking about every individual in the Muslim world; we have to speak in generalities. And as long as the violent, repressive, intolerant minority continues to create fear and death throughout the world, folks are going to associate Muslims and Islam with that. They are the ones we are concerned about. I am not the elected spokesperson for most Americans, but I'll venture a guess that most don't give a shit what you believe as long as you aren't fucking over other people by blowing them up and stoning them to death.
  2. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    We are bad -- exactly for the reasons laid out in the article Jay posted. As far as I am concerned, "Islamophobia" describes the fear that the world feels toward this group of believers. The fear is justified. They use violence in the extreme against unsuspecting, everyday, non-combat people. They scare the shit out of people. Hell, they even scared South Park -- and that is pretty bad. The PC crap has to stop. When I took Arabic, I couldn't believe how they were chosing to teach us the language. Every video we watched talked about how great the religion was, why it was a good thing to wear a veil, how lovely it is to share your "hostpitality", and on and on. We studied the Koran. And guess what -- it's violent. Yes, yes, yes, so is the Bible. Difference is, Christianity reformed. It ain't perfect, but its adherents don't run around blowing themselves up in subways. And if a Christian disagrees with a teaching from the Bible, they can just go to another church. Or start their own and get a tax break. Disagree with a teaching of Islam? No tax break. And enough with the "moderates" of the religion. Where are their voices? Why don't we hear about them fighting to stop the fundamentalist? They are scared too, even though they do share the basic belief that violence against non-believers (as well as believers who don't toe the line) is acceptable. Until that religion reforms (just like the Jewish and Christian religions reformed) it is a threat. It threatens us directly. And we should protect ourselves by any means necessary. There, I said it.
  3. I know I don't want my taxes to be anymore complicated. Am I am sick of dealing with insurance -- I shouldn't have to worry so much about this shit. I think anyone who has had a long term illness or injury would agree that the paperwork involved in trying to get better is almost as bad as whatever ails you. Just friggen tax us and provide us some basic healthcare. Cut out the useless insurance bullcrap and let us pay for more care (directly) if we want it. Hell, I'd like to see doctor's advertising their prices anyhow and I'd like a receipt I can understand. This shouldn't be so hard.
  4. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    I'm guessing he didn't hear it from an Islamic woman who provides hospitality for her husband's buddies. (Of course, she'd be in the room next door and not allowed to "sit at the table" or anything crazy like that.) I'm telling you, a couple of good, public stonings and a government sanctioned gang rape would really go a long way to improve hospitality in the US.
  5. And all the folks who bitch about their tax-funded education should STFU and pay for it themselves.
  6. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    We'd have better hospitality here if we could just keep our bitches in line like they do.
  7. It is a great site. So is textsfromlastnight.com. Love it.
  8. As long as I am not a flapping social darwinist, I think I am okay with that.
  9. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    Not really that far of a stretch, is it? I know most about the history of our own country, and I know most about living in this particular post-revolutionary country. What other country would I be able to use for comparison that wouldn't trigger your automatic response of, "Have you ever lived or visited CountryX?"? You really put folks in a bind by discrediting them for whatever example/comparison they use. Instead of being dismissive, try borrowing someone else's analogy and see where it takes you. I promise you that it won't hurt.
  10. I'm continually surprised by how outraged people get about pragmatic health care decisions that are finally being discussed in the US. The requirement to buy health insurance makes complete sense -- you have to pay into the system that you will undoubtedly use in one way or another during your life. People who don't pay insurance are not exercising some personal choice or independence from the government. What they are doing is forcing the rest of us to pay for their healthcare. And guess what? I don't feel responsible for subsidizing some jackass who decided they were going to gamble on not getting sick or injured and then lost that bet. You have to pay into the system just like everyone else.
  11. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    You don't know that, really. I mean, if we hadn't been dogged by Brits, we may not have written the Articles of Confederation and later the Constitution. And without continued pressure, we wouldn't have fought the war of 1812, bringing the unchecked growth of partisan animosity to a halt.
  12. It's not me who gets offended, tubby. But I did get censored once. It was awesome.
  13. I remember this day with you! What a blast from the past (assuming my memory isn't playing tricks with me...)!
  14. This is now my favorite climbing quote!
  15. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    I am interested in this part of your statement. It doesn't seem to fit with the rest of what you say. By saying that we have "not allowed" a people their own revolution is an inheirently patriarchal stance. (Please forgive my crappy spelling, I am too lazy to spell check.) If a person really does see another group as or another individual as self-determining, then that person cannot assume that have the ability to override that self-determination. In other words, we Westerners cannot take away something which we do not own and cannot control from someone else. The fact that we seem to think so speaks only to our egos. We, too, were once a colonial abomination. We fought. Other countries got involved on many different levels, but we still did our thing, right? Ultimately, no one "allowed" us to do anything nor did anyone "take away" anything from us. That's because it is no more possible to take away something that is self-generated than it is to make or destroy mass or energy. The desire to be in control of one's own life is an immutable element in the human nature; and although an individual will die in pursuit of that self determination, the desire itself will always remain. So I guess all I am saying is that I don't believe that Iraq's revolution is over. It would be easier to believe that if anything, that revolution is just starting. It can take a long time to get past the humiliation of being invaded and occupied by a foreign power. So much better if that step is never taken. Recognition of this isn't patronizing, it's just recognizing a fundamental aspect of human nature. I could agree with that. Although there are "benefits" as well (if you can call them that). For example, having an external threat can act as a powerful catalyst to internal unification. It helps people ban together and forget their infighting. It might also help a group really examine and define who they are and what they want. It forces them to declare that to others. What you said was that their unity and strength has been taken away forever. I just think that is a bit strong.
  16. Why do articles refer to "radical secularists"? What do they mean by this?
  17. I think the moderators here do a great job of balancing the need to let people write what they want using whatever words they want with people who want to be able to read & respond to Spray threads without getting personally attacked in ways that are simply beyond what even "bullet proof" people would expect to hear. Moderators work without pay. They work knowing that in an effort to keep the peace, they will piss people off. Even though they are people with their own opinions, they put those opinions second to the needs of the group. They have no authority beyond what the community has agreed to give them yet are often directly challenged by the same members who have broken the accepted community guidelines. And in return all they get is a lot of shit for it. That totally sucks. I hope the Mods know that they are actually appreciated by a lot of users. Thanks for spending the time and effort needed to keep Spray within some reasonable boundaries!
  18. It's amazing to me anyone would think this is a good idea. I mean, what the hell does this guy think gives money its value? Just faith -- that's it. The fact that we know we can trade money for something we want is the reason it works. Period. And this yahoo thinks gold and silver have some magic, intrinsic value? WTF? He needs his head checked.
  19. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    Makes me think of that Rat City Rollergirl named "Hotflash". Roller Derby rocks.
  20. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    Feel pretty good. I'm not, uh, I'm not scared at all. I just feel kind of... feel kind of invincible. Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
  21. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    I am interested in this part of your statement. It doesn't seem to fit with the rest of what you say. By saying that we have "not allowed" a people their own revolution is an inheirently patriarchal stance. (Please forgive my crappy spelling, I am too lazy to spell check.) If a person really does see another group as or another individual as self-determining, then that person cannot assume that have the ability to override that self-determination. In other words, we Westerners cannot take away something which we do not own and cannot control from someone else. The fact that we seem to think so speaks only to our egos. We, too, were once a colonial abomination. We fought. Other countries got involved on many different levels, but we still did our thing, right? Ultimately, no one "allowed" us to do anything nor did anyone "take away" anything from us. That's because it is no more possible to take away something that is self-generated than it is to make or destroy mass or energy. The desire to be in control of one's own life is an immutable element in the human nature; and although an individual will die in pursuit of that self determination, the desire itself will always remain. So I guess all I am saying is that I don't believe that Iraq's revolution is over. It would be easier to believe that if anything, that revolution is just starting.
  22. That's awesome. I find it endlessly amusing that in a society that insists youth is the ultimate state we have produced a bunch of young punks who really believe they know it all. Getting older rocks. I wouldn't go back to my 20's even if I had the choice. Hell, I can't even stand being around people that young anymore. I sound like my dad.
  23. archenemy

    9/11 faked?

    The FINAL word on this is located here: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=911_morons
  24. archenemy

    Car advice

    I'll take a 2002 or a 2004. Model, not year.
  25. Just when you thought it couldn't get worse. That leader guy is a douche, eh?
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