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Everything posted by archenemy

  1. Polite conversation is the new Spray.
  2. and that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their frickin' heads.
  3. Womenfolk? 8D Why would they be upset - they got their own smilie!
  4. Good work.
  5. archenemy


    Keeps the conversation at a comfortable level, eh?
  6. You think so? That would be swell.
  7. And Mad Dog 20/20
  8. That Church of Later Day Saints photo should at least get an honorable mention - that was great!
  9. archenemy

    Holy shit

    this is fucking gay. I don't remember what was here before this forum, but hopefully this one won't last long either. PS. Take a shower.
  10. archenemy

    Wind maps

    I thought it said wind shirts.
  11. archenemy

    go big or go home

    That is fucking awesome. Need pics. I miss goregallery
  12. And I like Sobo. That guy is awesome. I wonder if he was in a fraternity?
  13. archenemy


    This is a long story.
  14. Yup. Got laid off. Plus, I knew you'd missed me.
  15. I have to admit, kids bug the shit out of me. And although I respect a parents right to try and reason with a two year old rather than swat them on the butt, I sure as hell wish that dragging a screaming child who throwing a temper tantrum in a public place was de rigeur. Anybody else ever notice that while in foreign countries ya don't hear the screaming kids thing? I swear that kids have become the center of the universe here in the American family (abused and neglected kids are obviously not included in this statement)? It throws things out of balance. It's not healthy and it is draining the lifeforce out of all the poor people who are just trying their best. But when their kids come in the room and flat out interrupt a conversation, I want to slap the little turds myself. I mean, you got to earn the right to talk like an asshole - you don't just get to do it because you are under 30. Or 40. Not sure what the cutoff is...
  16. You should learn sign language so you can sweet talk yourself.
  17. archenemy


    Right. Climbing shoes smell awesome. Some of the rooms are gnar, moldy stuff stolen from food service, skid mark stained whitey tighties on the floor. My room is pretty good, only mess is the massive pile of climbing gear under my bed overflowing the milk crates it was originally supposed to fit in, at least it doesn't smell bad
  18. anarchy is not a noun, but an adjective. It describes the tension between moral autonomy and political authority, especially in the area of combinations, whether they're going to be voluntary or coercive. The most destructive, coercive combinations are arrived at through force. Like Ammon said, "Force is the weapon of the weak." You do realize, that if anarchy is your goal, myself and people like me would run the globe right? I assume you are an anarchist because (unless you are a complete moron) you must know that without taxes, there are no cops, no military. This would mean that he who has the most guns and uses them the best wins. That is me. So by all means slomo, wage your war against taxes and the status quo and indirectly elect me, your enthusiastic dictator at large.
  19. archenemy


    Yeah, and those guys are all circumcised, so they are ok in my book.
  20. Mitt Romney is a robot pretending to be a human. The best thing about this batch of Republicans is that for once the Dems won't be hurt by their astonishing incapability to grasp the fundamentals of marketing messages. This year, the Republican primary debates can just be aired, unedited and without comment, and that should sufficiently scare the shit out of any non-Mitt Romney living creature.
  21. Speaking of which, how is your girlie?
  22. So true. So true.
  23. Guns are fun.
  24. Chewed yours off already, so I'll need something fresh.
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