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Everything posted by archenemy

  1. archenemy


    Wow,I didn't read all this before dozing off, but I did agree with the first few chapters of the novel(yours). On the other hand, my best friend throughout college was a frat boy. One of the best guys I ever knew. Sure, he may have been surrounded by a pool of vomit and a haze of smoke, but what the fuck, it's college. I also lived in a fraternity during a summer break. Nice and quiet. And filthy. What is inexcusable is the physical, mental, and emotional abuse these boys heap on each other and people around them. Reminds me of my cousins - they are so sweet when there's one or two of them. Any more than that and they form a pack to enact some twisted lord of the flies shit. What's up with that anyway?
  2. archenemy

    Hey, fuck you

    Is this place still the same? Or did you fuckers get weak - I mean "polite"?
  3. Biggest surprise for me - finishing the damn route.
  4. Oh yeah, the reason for my post ... Any other recovering gimps available for light climbing at SG? It would be great to work with someone who has been through a challenge and needs to slowly improve. Side benefit - In comparison to me you are going to look like you are flying up walls, spider manning through problems, and hooking the outdoor wall of death-defied. Morning workouts preferred
  5. After interviewing many doctors, taking tons of tests, and being gently encouraged by my most awesomest PT, I got my metal removed. Funny enough, it was two years to the day of my accident. Three months later, I can begin to remember what being human feels like. I played street hockey Over 4th of July! I could crapmyself I am so happy. I'm making jewelry out of my many metal memories.
  6. A while back someone posted to one of the awesome threads in which we were arguing about Islam. A poster, I don't remember who, said I should read the book listed in the title of the thread. I went ahead Nd ordered it but had to wait for months to get the new edition. I don't remember who made that suggestion, but thank you - it is an amazing read.
  7. You sound like you are unsure about the doctor you have picked for surgery. If you have a little time, call the PT's that you know and ask them which doc is best for your injury. These are the poeple who see he fallout --listen to them. Call Bruk Ballenger. He is here on 85th West of Aurara. He owns "Real Rehab" and they are the best PTs for athletes that you are going to find. Call right away so you don't commit to a doc you don't like. Trust me.
  8. I am looking for a reports dev who is good at viewing and understanding how excel sheets get completely out of hand and knows how to fix them. Must know SQL, SSRS, Crystal, and all that jazz. If you are interested, send me an email to archenemyclimbs@hotmail.com or this address. Tell me what your superpower is. THanks! A
  9. I think he just needed a hug.
  10. Actually, I think it was "Work will make you free".
  11. I'm moving to Italy.
  12. archenemy


    I just watched a documentary on Wolverines. Awesome creatures - I want one.
  13. archenemy


  14. Apology accepted.
  15. We could buy Mexico, refurbish it, and flip it. It would be a great investment, the labor force is already there, and Isreal can pay cash. Perfect plan.
  16. archenemy

    Vegans with Pets

    Vegans piss me off.
  17. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    Actually, a woman's clitoris has about 8000 nerve endings - twice as many as are in the penis. So it's more like the equivalent of two peckers.
  18. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    Yes, there are a lot of places in the world where women do not yet have the benefits of legal protection, access to education, reproductive control, etc. But I honestly believe that in the areas that are not facing civil war and are not Muslim there is improvement. And as more people refuse to deal with (i.e. trade with, travel to, recognize) countries that don't show efforts to improve civil rights, the better it will continue to get.
  19. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    That sounds like a Jay_B simplification I believe your question was rather simple. And my reasoning is simple -- I would not want to live in a Muslim country because I believe that Muslim women are treated like shit and that that treatment is institutionalized and acceptable. This is not due to the interpretation of the Koran, but rather, it is due to the implementation of it. I think Muslim women are pretty much fucked and I think that sucks. Simple as that.
  20. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    so you don't know fuck all about Kazakhstan? It's ok, women are less likely to be sexually harassed there than Italy, have better job prospects, and can travel without a male relative! Nice mountains too No, I am not an expert on Kazakhstan. And I have not been there or to Italy. I don't know what any job prospects are in either country -- no one has ever called me with a job offer. But I believe the heart of your question was whether I would choose to live in a Muslim country or in a Catholic country. I would choose the later.
  21. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    And if I had to chose between living in Italy and living in Kazakhstan, I'd be taking Italian classes right now.
  22. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    Am I supposed to know these numbers off the top of my head? At least a woman can leave Italy if she wants. Unescorted by a male relative.
  23. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    I'm giving my opinion. Dismissing it as cliche says something more about you than it does about my opinion. I respect that you are open-minded and kind hearted when evaluating your own opinion of the Muslim world. And I fully admit that I am, indeed, fearful of the ideals that seem to dominate the Muslim world. But I stand behind what I say nonetheless.
  24. Funny; I was 36%/64%
  25. archenemy

    Fux Freakout

    Oh, and I am not sure who you are referring to when talking about giving violent Hindus a pass. I think most people who live under our justice system are shocked and horrified when they hear about this type of brutality.
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