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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. This is key. We've made a huge mistake in allowing primitive aggression to hide behind religion. We played right into their hands by even letting the slightest bit of religion come into the picture. Repeat after me: they are terrorists, not religious fundamentalists. They don't even deserve to be called the latter, yet we give them exactly what they want by giving it to them. You stupid fucks gave them a BILLION allies the minute you labeled them as Muslims/Islamists. You're playing their game by their rules. Don't you people have children? ps. how the hell did creationism take over this thread?
  2. With all that damn squealing it sounded like he got prodded 20 times. That's quite an act. Is that what passes for police training these days? 'The tazer didn't work boss.' 'Uh, tell him to stand up again I guess?' 'Well maybe the tazer will work this time though?' f*king retards.
  3. They simply need to tear that out. It is a great wrongness.
  4. "Economically feasible?" Of course it would be economically feasible. No, no it wouldn't. They have thought of this, and for now, the best-selling drugs are fat, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. The consumers and stupider and easier to come by. Kind of like with kitschy adventure-themed apparel. You see REI has decided that there are more chubby sweettoothed yuppies who want to buy clothes, than there are hardcore junkie climbers looking for parapharnelia. But the point is it doesn't really matter to REI what it sells, as long it is making money. They just have to have enough actual climbing gear hanging up to seduce the average metronatural into buying into the theme. poll REI is a (you may choose only one): [ ] recreational equipment coop [ ] money factory
  5. 3% is sales reflects neglect and failure by the company as much as it does disinterest of the consumers. The company decides what to sell. The corporate-minded would sell heroin if it were economically feasible, and then despise your small-minded protest against their right to practice capitalism.
  6. Partisan politics are retarded. How did we let them happen? Now we have a self-reinforcing binary system where the smartest thing someone can say is 'Democrat' or 'Republican.' When and why did we let these stupid fucks team up and start ignoring us? It is time to secularize politics from partisanship. They could start by banning party affiliations from being printed on any government document (such as ballots and voters pamphlets). This isn't a fucking football game people. There are more than two sides. ps. your first mistake was thinking you could get news by watching the TV.
  7. But will the 8-foot barrier have crimps and jibs?!! Can they make it 30 degrees overhanging??? Will they notice the holds bolted onto the freeway pillars? I wouldn't mind seeing a new UW rock. Unpolished holds, better cracks... Nice freeway overpass overhead to keep it dry during the rainy season...
  8. Maybe there needs to be a Macson and Raindawg catfight thread in 'spray' right about now (ps Macson did you even read my post?)
  9. For the sake of argument let me take their side. What do you mean by 'skill' anyway? Skill at teaching basic techniques and keeping beginners from killing themselves? Or skill in a completely irrelevant sense like being able to climb 5.12, WI5, grade V, etc., which while impressive, has nothing to do with their curriculum? Why should it bother you to see 5.9 climbers teaching 5.5 climbers how not to f' up? Better them than you, right? Otherwise, you'd volunteer to be that 'skilled' leader.
  10. magic footwork aside, isn't there too much to hold on to for 5.13? Doesn't city park look harder than that? (it does to a 5.10 climber)
  11. This has bothered me for a while--have you considered the fact that your reasoning for driving a large vehicle constitutes an arms race? That more big trucks on the road makes normal cars less safe? If everyone drove big trucks, would you buy a semi to feel safer? This reasoning (that driving the biggest vehicle makes you safer) is probably the most common reason that people are buying SUV's. It's paranoia that someone dangerous will hit you, and you want to be bigger than them when it happens. But did you ever consider that bigger vehicles are inherently more dangerous to everyone else? That if you ever mess up, you're going to instantly kill anyone you might run into, your high bumper avoiding all collision zones and going right into somebody's torso? That they could be an innocent driver who would have survived a collision with a normal car? I'm not trying to attack you or anything for expressing your opinion, but it's something to consider...
  12. The standard Prior has some good dimensions and will probably hold an edge better than the Khyber. If you only go out in fresh snow get the Khyber as it will be fun and surfy, but if you see yourself spending lots of time above treeline and doing the spring mountain deal then this powder board might let you down a little.
  13. Silly consumer unit. It's not what it's worth that matters, it's how much we can exploit your pitiful human psychology to pay. PAY! You NEED IT! YOU NEED IT BAD! I will have you begging to buy men's panties from me for 200 dollars, if you do not be quiet now and PAAAYYYY!!! FEEEEED MEEE NOOOOW!
  14. We all died already but most of us are not done living yet Still here, might as well do some cool shit tomorrow Or maybe just study for orals
  15. If you're wealthy and willing to risk $1200 on all new gear that you might decide you don't like down the line, do some one-stop shopping at bdel.com. Just buy whatever sounds like a fit for you, and you won't regret it, except that it is expensive. If you're on a budget, just get something, anything, that will allow you to backcountry ski. Spend as little as you can. Then go spend a day or two tooling around somewhere popular--soon you will run into a bunch of skiers with tons of gear, and even more advice, and they will tell you everything you need to know, or perhaps even have something to sell you, or even take you in to their pack, as long as you are nice and not too slow. Two good places to ask about skis: www.turns-all-year.com www.telemarktips.com www.bdel.com www.backcountry.com www.sierratradingpost.com
  16. I hope they have that fancy UVA shit over there...
  17. Yeah stop ruining the onsight-epic.
  18. ashw_justin

    Caption time!

    "Fuck you man, light IS right, now take your fucking pack, this is PICKETS dude and it's climb time!"
  19. I call bullshit on the perfect placement. A perfect placement doesn't blow before the pro. I could understand though if the gear simply wasn't engineered correctly, but many, many falling leaders would beg to differ.
  20. http://www.turns-all-year.com/skiing_snowboarding/trip_reports/index.php?topic=5245.0 This guy's picture.
  21. All TR's should be pop-arted from now on. The modern camera ruins everyone's alpine onsights.
  22. Supposedly, I onsighted .10c trad but couldn't toprope .10c sport last weekend.
  23. OMG, will there be an emergency meeting of the FA ethics committee? I bet you probably had a beer that night too for the massive dose of testosterone
  24. TWO WHEELS: 1 AUTOMOBILES: 0. Stupid fucking truck driver. nice edit, now I have something to live up to! edit: ah, duped again! note to self. Pay more attention to not paying attention at work.
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