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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Don't put a sociopath in survival mode--it just makes them more determined and self-righteous. The last thing you want is to give them an excuse to feel sorry for themselves/victimized/persecuted, as they will just use this to mask their own guilt. Have you tried this, act defeated, tell her that she has made your lives a depressive living hell (i.e. be honest). Pretend to be her friend if you have to, lay all your shit on her, talk about your feelings. Maybe through self-consciousness or embarrassment, she might actually touch on remorse, and realize that she's being an antisocial nutcase. If she gets off on aggression and hate, then all you have to do to ruin her fun is act like a hippie love child. That is, unless you can just kick her out somehow. If you can't... well, then I hate to say it but a forced eviction situation is your fault if the 'crazy bitch' called your bluff. Better to feel it out a little before declaring war.
  2. I hear that leftist intellectuals are doing the same thing here in the States. While the champions of cashism courageously lobby zoning changes and manipulations of city limit boundaries in order to build tract housing and Costcos, the evil leftist 'residents of the community' get all insurgent, like they have some kind of right to oppose the Great Moneyfest Destiny. God put us on this earth to make money and git-dimmit, get a clue you fucking big-brained heathens!
  3. Bullshit on the original claim--all that means is that rap is no longer pop music, and that wealthy suburban white teenagers are finally listening to something else. The only thing dead about rap are the corporate sellouts. Word, now rappaz don't need to lie about being po' no mo'.
  4. What the fuck is "surrender to national weakness" supposed to mean? Is that like when you realize that it's a stupid idea to go halfway around the world to take over a country for no reason? Who is primitive enough to believe that our self-respect as a country must be based upon our ability to invade others? I thought that bullshit died with the Nazis.
  5. ashw_justin


    I had that happen to me once too. I was coming down Roosevelt toward the University Bridge, when some idiot realized they didn't want to go over the bridge or something, and took the last right before it, abruptly and without signalling. I bounced off the car but managed to stay on my wheels, thank god. Same b.s., "I didn't see you!", like that's some kind of excuse. On a related note, here's SDOT's latest presentation for the "Seattle Bicycle Master Plan." While the effort is admirable and it's great that they're taking bike commuting seriously, I think that being legally required to get creamed by opening doors is outrageous. http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/docs/DecemberPublicMeetings_120106_v3.pdf Of course it's a start, and we already bike next to parked cars, but it would be better just to get rid of street parking on arterials altogether. It's going to take more than painting some lines. Remove a couple thousand parking spots downtown, and that's a couple thousand people who might actually start taking carpooling/biking/public transportation seriously...
  6. The system demands alone should tell you all that you need to know... no operating system should need that much power. So what else is Vista going to do (aside from wasting most of it--perhaps a best-case scenario). We want that power for autonomous applications, not for Windows to steal it away for all of the inferior and proprietarily obfuscated Microsoft software that it will force you to run constitutively and perpetually.
  7. They should have kept the grades capped at 5.10. That way climbs could only ever be downgraded. I guess too many stoned egomaniacs thought 'Spinal Tap' was for real.
  8. I saw some video a few years back of guys going off of kickers in modern trick boats, doing 360's and inverts and such. No link though, sorry for the tease. Could probably be found by asking on boatertalk.com
  9. Fuck off, Bush Co. I'll defend my country... against you. Bush and his board of directors have done more damage to this country than any terrorist ever could. I'll die on a mountain before I let those fucks send me to their martial sandbox. The tragic thing is that the demented warmongers in power will send only our youngest and most innocent to their deaths, in a hell on earth of our own creation.
  10. Yes! We are good Microslave. Does not play on our precious Microsloth system! We hates it! played ok in FF-x86 but TO ALL EMBEDDED PLAYERS
  11. Maybe they can put some of those in after they demolish the UW climbing rock.
  12. Is that the sound of someone getting fired?
  13. You should take one of those parapentes up there and para-ski the Willis Wall, like those French dudes on the Eiger. Though you would probably need some flying skills for that. Also you should bring those 'verts', just in case it's deep pow. Does that happen?
  14. Oh wait, you mean that's not Van Damme?
  15. I just think it's wrong to have the cables on the rock face (safety is only one consequence). but I'm supposed to be pissing off
  16. maybe I should move all posts after my first one from the other thread into here... I really only meant to post once in the other thread.
  17. excellent Rudy maybe they can put in a gondola for you when you are 100 ok I'm pissing off then ps. I just realized this thread isn't supposed to contain anything, someone move all the posts to spray
  18. No I haven't been on Half Dome... ironically it was my shock at the pictures that I found that led me to post, as I usually know better than that. (It obviously didn't look like that on Nov. 8th.) I want to say that on the contrary to any implicit dishonor, I think Emily must have been extremely brave and adventurous to be up there doing that.
  19. I'm just saying that the absence of cables most likely would have prevented the loss of a life. I can't think of what would possess someone to venture onto that face in the rain without rope. The probable answer is that there were cables. I'm sorry to try to make sense of the tradedy, it is a human thing to do.
  20. tradclimbguy, I am also very sad that a beautiful young person had to perish. My condolences. robmcdan, Perhaps you are too emotional to express your thoughts. I'm sorry to offend you. cj001f, this is exactly why they are a hazard (I think this danger is fairly obvious given what happened). Also, Yosemite is huge, with plenty of backcountry besides the top of Half Dome. I would argue that the only reason hikers even consider hiking to the top of half dome is because there are cables there. And how does my criticism of cables related to the tragedy? I feel sad that instead of learning safe climbing techniques and climbing Half Dome safely, this person lost their life due to a false sense of security and underestimation of risk, due precisely to the fact that there are cables strung up the side of a rock face. But it's my turn to be that rational a-hole, so go ahead and take it out on me. I think it is interesting to think about why it is so offensive to some when accidents are rationalized. If you are unable to handle discussion of the tragedy, why do you come to an internet forum? Why do you act as if I am speaking freely at a memorial (which the internet can not and never will be). If it is better that nothing is said at all, then why does this thread even exist?
  21. I think there is plenty of hiking in Yosemite? Steep rock faces are for climbing! Having cables there invites hikers into a place where they really shouldn't be.
  22. It's obsolete. The common climber has evolved, and can easily develop the proper skills and equipment to climb and descend without the aid of cables. If you scrap the cables, the zoo is gone as the non-climbers go find somewhere else to be dangerous to themselves and others. That stuff just doesn't belong there, history is a poor excuse for the eyesore and the insult to nature (not to mention the apparent invitation for people who have no business being on the side of that rock face).
  23. Just get rid of the cables, then rapping is mandatory (like everywhere else)
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