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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Can't believe I didn't get any pictures of your line...
  2. Yeah just curious if such easier ground actually exists.
  3. I thought there was supposed to be an easy ramp way left? Not that I ever saw it, but I remember seeing pictures somewhere of 50-60 degree ice...?
  4. http://talk.splitboard.com/talk/viewtopic.php?t=2472
  5. [bump] Any more info or links on this?
  6. daaaaaang... oh god why am I laughing, I must have problems
  7. Oh my GOD!! Somebody get that man a helicopter evac IMMEDIATELY! Obviously you can see that his HAPE has gotten so bad by this point, that he's falling down in beautiful arcing turns all they way down the mountain... oh I just can't watch...
  8. Cool so maybe we could see that incorporated into the TR section in the future or something...
  9. Man, you're an idiot. You can't say "signed" while posting anonymously. I mean, does this really have anything to do with you? Forgive me if it does, bu who f' are you? Furthermore, that issue has already been raised. Welcome to a style of climbing that goes beyond Freedom of the Hills. If you don't like it, join the Mounties. Not to mention that people get tagged and bagged by guides on dog routes all the damn time...
  10. quiet you, I am very busy trying not to get any work done here!
  11. Pulling a gun is the easiest way to get shot to death. Just get physical descriptions, make/model/plates on car(s), maybe even tail them on the highway while calling the cops so they can be tracked down... just don't give them an opportunity to demonstrate their idiocy on you.
  12. So yeah, I know wiki's are lame... but still, I wonder what a Cascade Climbers wiki would end up looking like? Would it be a highly purified extract of the skillful and comedic essence of this place, or a total f***ing nightmare of latent adolescent brainspooge? Are there any mods who would waste enough time to bother finding out? You could end up with some pretty nice compiled info, say for any given region or peak, a la summitpose.org, but with some local flavor. Instead of a Rainier forum, you'd have a Rainier Home with some base info, and then the associated threads and TR's. (I'm sure that's come up before but I guess I'm too lazy to look for it.)
  13. Climbing while on rappel. Felt pretty dumb when I did that, upon realizing I was suddenly free-soloing 5.10 face in hiking boots, but luckily I was able to get my hands back on the rope before peeling.
  14. El Gitano is now called Lorenzo's, BTW.
  15. Wow, the Cascade Enquirer!
  16. http://students.washington.edu/ashwortj/NWMountains/NWframe.html
  17. I drove my 2WD to the mile 20 gate on dry road, and there's another 1-2 miles of dry road after that. The gate was open when we got back but there was no sign of anyone.
  18. The road is dry to about mile 22 (the Eldo TH/Gate/Parking Lot is at mile 20). When we got there early this morning (in a sedan) the mile 20 gate was locked, then mysteriously open upon our return. There's snow in open areas, including parts of the road around and above mile 22. Woods are dry from what I could tell.
  19. People take extra risks to do extra-ordinary things. That's a partner selection issue. Sounds like one of the guys picked a partner that he didn't feel that he had to take care of, and the other picked a partner that would show him some crazy shit. Pick your partners to balance your personal security vs. ambition. You get what your intent pays for. Skykilo et al. for example is one of those high-risk high-payoff investments.
  20. I like to go with Sounds of the Rainforest: http://www.christiananswers.net/kids/sounds.html Before, I was trying naively to use Enya, but I'd always get riled up by her emotive crescendos, at the most inopportune times. But then I went trekking in the South American Jungle, and came down with the worst bout of effusive bowel distress you could imagine, brought on by one of the exotic natural parasites. Now when I listen to Rainforest, it all comes back to me and I can just open up on the spot.
  21. ashw_justin

    Poor kitty!

    Wow... just... wow. Cats are just such strong animals, you know. If only we could follow their example, in our own lives.
  22. Dear mr. spotter, Are we talking 20" of fresh above 4000', or 50 cm of fresh above 1200 m? (version 3.0)
  23. ashw_justin


    Has anyone else noticed that the holds at Stoney Gardeners are so abrasive? I went for my Intermediate Techniques III class there last night, and afterwards I could hardly even don my hemp fannysack, my hands were so raw and dry and inflamed, oh it was terrible. I think this is probably the result of negligent management, I mean they must not care about the health and safety of their clientele if they let this happen to me. If you were my brother, would you hold a silent vigil protest, or would you sue them? I really need some positive thought cooperation with you guys to make this decision, because I feel like this climber kinship with everyone here.
  24. I am thinking about doing my PFA of Mt. Si this year, does anyone know what the best time of year is for that, and what are the road conditions right now? Oh yeah and my friend is thinking he wants to try it solo, he totally crazy suicidal right...??? thanks a bunch women and guys Hopeully I will have some rad photodocumentation posted on my blog too.
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