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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Hm, to think the only HAPE I suffered from this weekend was Hardly Acceptable Pu$$y Excuses... new trademark shot?
  2. Jeezus christ matt, speaking metaphorically, those were all examples of the "bigger=better" consumerist mantra plaguing our country. Corporations operate like cancer. REI has metastatized, it's original function of selling "recreational equipment" has been hijacked by the corporate disease. The walls swell under the pressure of the rampant increase in clothing and apparel.
  3. I'll just never forgive them for what happened to Base Camp. Now I know I'm not supposed to believe that an REI in Bellingham was the reason it closed down, but I do. The thing about REI, is that it's just sad that a good local business turned into a obese, greedy, soulless corporate money machine. Another sad victim of the growth=success dogma, bigger is better, king size double fries with your triple quarter pounder w/ cheese, 50 gallons of black blood into your Tahoe, letting in all hang out on the clotting 10 lane expressway while talking on your 2000 minute cell plan, 200 GB iPod pumping fine prefabricated corporock into your dome...
  4. Yeah I guess that explains why it's a meadow eh?
  5. There was continuous snow at 3000 feet at Schreiber Meadows yesterday, if that's any indication.
  6. You got some beautiful vapor stuff going on there, too bad that dude is ruining the picture. And no skis!? jeezus man, where is the puking smiley.
  7. but, but it was raining!
  8. This is cc.com, here we are concerned with opinion, not this "information" of which you speak. Obviously stupid enough to climb somewhere outside of the Shangri-la of benevolent mountains, also known as the Pacific Northwest, these "climbers" get exactly what is coming to them, for being retards and thinking it's a good idea to go hiking at 29,000 feet.
  9. purity http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5261219108681171605&pl=true Everest climbers are no longer heroes. Not to themselves, not to others. The same people would be shooting themselves in the face, so long as they could see nice pictures of it in National Geographic.
  10. It's a rock. Get over it. (or die trying )
  11. What people should have realized a really long time ago is that high altitude is fucking bullshit, and the only reason one should subject oneself to it is if the climbing (or skiing) is really fucking good. HELLO! WHY EVEREST? IT'S NOT SPECIAL ANYMORE, FUCKTARDS! At this point the only good reason not to close the mountain to climbing entirely is the economic consequence.
  12. #1 most compelling aspect of telemarking is the sex appeal. Think, you could be skiing in company such as this: http://www.kasharigby.com
  13. That would be the shizzl. Five-O would probably throw a fit. haha, hadn't thought of it that way! "Son do you know why I pulled you over?" "uh, because I was goin the speed limit?..."
  14. For a second I envisioned packs of eco-activists driving 4 abreast at 60 mph, to emphasize the seriousness of the oil crisis.
  15. OMFG, that's so harsh! Clearly from the pictures this is at least an intact specimen. But then again I guess it's hard to get by the dirty hippie telemarker thing... This guy "Guerilla_Gorilla" sounded like he was interested though...?
  16. This is just begging to be linked to from said forum. Don't forget the "OT: Oh no, not AGAIN!! Another single and frustrated thread"
  17. REI's fate if it continues as a shitty apparel store is that most climbers will realize that you can get about the same generic gear and unknowledgable service by just buying shit online from any number of cheaper sources. Is there really a niche for StaREIbucks when you have the choice of local* (service and quality) or online+ (cheap)? *Pro Mountain Sports, Pro Ski, Second Ascent... +Backcountry.com, STP, etc... Then again, what toughman NW climber could do without the occasional ego-boosting stroll through gapeland... fossilized in prehistoric climber snot.
  18. I deleted this photo because there wasn't very good lighting in the shot. Looked as filled in as ever, I guess. Was pretty much continuous.
  19. You sure you don't want to throw them on some 5.13's right away, so they can start appearing in magazines when they're 15, and then spend their twenties cruising around smokin dope and working proj's? ... oh wait, that's spray I guess... sorry yeah, the trestle is nice, but maybe too easy...
  20. Liking the kidnapper van out in the yard. Sweeeet.
  21. GPS reads 10,778 feet on the summit of Mt. Baker, and I remember it being close to dead-on for Adams and Hood too, although I forget the exact values. Shit is scary accurate in my experience. Fun toy, not to mention a beautiful thing to have in a whiteout (if you had the foresight to record your uptrack).
  22. Climb: Mt. Baker- Date of Climb: 5/14/2006 Trip Report: Mt. Baker is a pretty big mountain, but not too big and that is why lots of people climb it. I was going to post my TR from the summit, especially because of all the n00bs, which explains my rage upon finding no wireless on Mt. Baker summit. WTF? Gear Notes: satellite internet transmitter/receiver
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