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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. Heh, I climbed a couple of those "unnamed routes" week before last when I was there. Glad I hooked up with someone who knew the area, I wouldn't have had a clue what I was looking at.
  2. no doubt. and people who perhaps didn't look so hot look much hotter when they treat you well. Clearly none of the women posting to this thread are under 30. That seems to be the age of getting a clue for most.
  3. Sounds just like the CD player is an old one, but you might try updating the firmware on the burner itself. Kind of a hassle to dig up for a "techno-idiot", but if you can figure out what make and model the burner is, you can get the latest firmware off the manufacturer's website, usually just as a nifty click-and-run program.
  4. Hey Travis, thanks for the palettes and beer run! Catcha next time.
  5. Looks like I'll be there the 23rd and probably the 24th.
  6. Whoop, missed the routes recommendation thread. My search came up with a ton of unrelated threads, so I just gave it a miss and googled instead. Questions on camping still stand.
  7. I'm going to be to heading through City of Rocks pretty soon, but I have no real info on the place other than a look through the guidebook. Anyone have recommendations on good climbs (up to low 10s) and camping? I've heard the main camping areas are on a reservation system, but are they required for weekdays? And are you allowed to sleep in your car? Thanks in advance.
  8. I'm glad I got to be a part of your final Smith hurrah, Tex. That was the best day I've had there yet. We're gonna miss you up here. Now, go get situated so we can come crash at your place!
  9. Sunday was my day of atonement. Took me friggin forever to make it through an egg scramble and homefries, but it hooked me up right in the end.
  10. "Don't mess with Texas. We'll sick our birds on ya."
  11. I'm down if it's a reasonable approach for boarder to posthole in. Otherwise, I might see a man about a splitboard..
  12. I lost both my big toenails once after hiking through a dry river bed with ill-fitting shoes. The strangest part of the experience was having the doc burn a hole in my toenail with a paperclip heated with a bic lighter to drain the big blister under the old nail.
  13. badvoodoo


    Looks like he tangled with some tree taggers...
  14. I made that same comment the other day to someone who was preggo and talked about wanting to climb someday. Are sticky rubber maternity clothes aid?
  15. I'm amazed a gym would let a pregnant woman climb. I'd think that would raise liability alarm levels through the roof...
  16. badvoodoo

    Insert Caption

    Or, "New to the 2010 Olympics: The Kegel Vault"
  17. I think they all got banned or left...
  18. After digging through the 5 pages of spray, I gathered that one person tried it and it tasted better than tablets. Anyone else tried it since?
  19. Anyone tried one of these? The volume and weight considerations, along with saving time on pumping, seems to put it hands above the rest.
  20. I made it up there weekend before last. Occasional patches of snow, uncluding a nice soft landing at the base of Hydrotube, but totally in season. Although the rock is still kinda damp until the afternoon at that altitude.
  21. badvoodoo

    Modern Lovers

    Records of outstanding warrants are often available on the internet...
  22. I thought you put your helmet on for the descent from the parking lot and roped up at the bridge...
  23. So that's How:itt went down, eh fido?
  24. When climbing sport, it is generally accepted that a send on hanging draws still counts as a redpoint. It's not full value, per se, but a redpoint just the same. Ah, see, I was under the impression this was referred to as a "pinkpoint", but if that's the case, then so be it. That would be silly. That's what I thought, but no accounting for what some people will do for a technicality in climbing...
  25. Not to incite anything, just purely out of interest (since I don't climb hard enough to encounter "fixed draws")... Does this mean these routes are no longer redpointed because the draws are all pre-set? Or do people who want the redpoint generally clip their own draws under the fixed ones if the hanger allows?
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