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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. badvoodoo

    Drug testing

    From what I understand, to test for LSD, they'd have to test seratonin levels, AND test them while you were still tripping, neither of which would likely be either plausible or likely, especially since that would be by no means anywhere near conclusive.
  2. http://yeti3.yetisports.org/beta/yetisports4/ 1479.34 What, you wanted to actually get some work done today?
  3. badvoodoo

    poison oak

    Spotting it is usually pretty easy. The leaves are dark reddish-green, and have a pretty high shine on them. Plus the leaves are always in groups of 3. If you do touch it, wash that part of your body as soon as possible to get the oil off that is responsible for the reaction. If you've been in an area with lots of poison oak and are wanting to avoid a reaction, change clothes as soon as you can and avoid touching them until they've been washed. More info: http://www.calpoison.org/public/poak.html
  4. Curtains might not match the drapes. Gotta account for all situations, ya know...
  5. badvoodoo

    red hair

    Dunno, she looks like an anorexic gogo dancer in that one...
  6. http://yonlu.netfirms.com/you_win_the_prize.jpg
  7. Ya, well infinity times infinity! Nya! I hope the recess bell rings soon!
  8. I know you are, but what am I, infinity!
  9. Then there's gonna be a mother of a catfight. Sorry to hear about the jeep, minx. That shit makes me mental. My take on the hardcore scene, mind you from an outside perspective: better beating the crap out of each other willingly than beating other people. Hell, it's even better than some of those big corporate sponsored frat-boy music festivals, where they end up tearing down everything and burning it and looting whatever they can. I'd rather have those with violent tendancies gather and take it out on each other in a consciencious way than hide it and let it stew in proper Puritan fashion until it inevitably boils over in one of them. Hardcore doesn't impose itself on my "west-coast yuppie life"; kids bringing guns to school does. You keep your violence to yourself, we'll do fine. You impose it on me, you won't last long.
  10. badvoodoo

    Mine! All Mine!

    what if there is no carpet? do you call that"hardwood floor" or something? In the words of Dave Chapelle, "You didn't just trim the lawn, you gone scorch da earth!"
  11. Naturally, the French would need to be able to reference toad sex as quickly as possible...
  12. badvoodoo

    Mine! All Mine!

    Nothing like lonely geeks to provide to-the-second info... Auto-updating counters! And I'm all about bi-partisan oggling.
  13. Is Ascroft Santa? No wonder nobody ever gets their Christmas wish of peace on earth...
  14. I believe that would be my autosig. With fucking toads.
  15. With that cover, I'd call that more of a warning than an editorial... Oh, whoops, I'm getting on topic again... I take a strong personal stance on private ownership of guns, and everyone who thinks differently than me is a mouth-breathing inbred extremist! Ok, I feel like I've participated now.
  16. badvoodoo

    what is this?

    New album cover for the latest boy-band, "Damn We're White".
  17. badvoodoo

    Sex Is Like...

    The ones with the cherries inside are good, but they're gone so quickly. Problem with a mixed selection is there's always a chance one has nuts hidden inside.
  18. E-rock, posting on cc.com during sex is a true sign of addiction. Seek some help.
  19. Crickey, facing down the fearsome domestic Vietnamese bovine with only an RPG! The Crocodile Hunter's got nothin on this guy!
  20. CBS, seems like you're missing the point here. Unless I'm mistaken, it's not simply a method of disposal, it's ceremonial. Burning the belongings of a deceased loved one is an act of permanence to move on. Not to mention the disquieting chance of seeing someone on the street who looks like the person you've lost, only to realize it's someone wearing their clothes...
  21. Never underestimate the power of the male libido. It drives men to fuck pumpkins and sponsor hot chicks.
  22. You must live in either a wealthy neighborhood or a rural hunting community.
  23. !!!!
  24. I'm not saying people find it "necessary" to smoke up, and I'm not against someone wanting to take a toke when they're relaxing. But when I'm partaking, it's more about how I feel, not about my surroundings; I'm focused on myself and state of mind, rather than where I am and what's around me. Perhaps that's more a personal interpretation of what a "power spot" is... One person may find their power spot somewhere that has little aesthetic or physical value, and more emotional value. I, on the other hand, am a very visual person and take my meaningful queues from my surroundings, which I can better appreciate while clean and sober. I can't so much justify focusing on myself when surrounded by visual bliss.
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