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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    Day #2! Be sure to soak this stuff up. [video:youtube]cd_Fdly3rX8
  2. [video:youtube]uIkgCbljJys
  3. olyclimber


  4. Satire can cure the common cold if used correctly.
  5. olyclimber

    Darwin Award

    eating gold is a less common cure for rheumatism.
  6. olyclimber

    My boy

    Congrats to both of you! Pretty awesome stuff.
  7. friggen canadian emo snowboarders hot pants
  8. Sometimes I just open Visio and let my mind wander.
  9. you have to "unlock them". there is a readily available cheatcode on the internet though.
  10. i have that game. you have to shake your wiimote crazy to get high score. sort of reminded me of Wario Shake actually: [video:youtube]jMmPUw62w5E
  11. yeah i think the one on the left has a noticeable vein popping out on her forehead, and i generally like a little less checkbone, but they are ok.
  12. olyclimber

    Spray Crisis!

    ur doing it wrong
  13. [video:youtube]A6hYfyLbG5c
  14. The above person stole my name for comic effect, but i am the real Joe Plummer. You know what sucks is the ecomomy. I blame you guys, if you stupid asses hadn't elected Obama, I'd be swimming in money by now. You libtards are all the same, just looking for another scape goat to your own problems. And by the way, if your toilet is plugged please visit joetheplumper.com
  15. http://sepientia.com/2010/02/niagara-falls-1911/
  16. Yes, and you can get a loan from Chase to afford the McNuggets too. Bring back the McGriddle Cakes! Has anyone tried these?
  17. Damn I just saw that. What a horrible thing to see. I need to unsee it too.
  18. Jeez Fairweather...what about all the jobs created? Someone has to build those Chinese railroads.
  19. Hey people, keep in mind that what you post may limit what some people can view on their lunchbreak at work. Also, if you do have a work environment that might not allow "edgy" content, opening a thread that says "Topless Girls" or "Hey Fucktards" might have to wait till you get home to your personal computer. happy spraying... Please note that advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, solicitations, and explicit pornography are inappropriate on this BB, and posting such content will get you banned from Cascadeclimbers.com. So basically, please keep it clean, no personal attacks, no porn, no slander, and no posting of private communications (email, pm'z) and our little sandbox on the web will be nice and happy. All TPS Reports must be filled out in triplicate.
  20. olyclimber


    keep it safe for work
  21. Cousin It????
  22. olyclimber


    yes pink, you can have a job. unfortunately you'll have to work for nothing, because we haven't seen a big fat paycheck from MickieDees yet. Actually they aren't paying us in money, we're just doing it so they'll bring back the McGriddle Cakes. I miss those things like the desert misses the rain!
  23. olyclimber


    I heard Obama was going to socialize baseball. Thats what this teabagger guy told me in the bathroom.
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